
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

1. 绪论 1

1.1 热传导方程简介 1

1.2 数值计算 1

1.3 本文研究内容 1

2. 线性代数方程组的求解 2

2.1 一维问题的牛顿迭代法 2

2.2 多维问题的牛顿迭代法 3

3. 有限差分方法 5

3.1 向前差分法 5

3.2 向后差分法 8

3.3 Crank - Nicolson 法 9

3.4 Richardson法 10

4. 紧致差分方法 11

4.1 紧致差分格式介绍 11

4.2 误差对比 15

5. 二维热传导方程的数值计算 16

5.1 中心差分法 17

5.2 紧致差分法 18

5.3 隐格式法 18

5.4 ADI法 19

5.5 TVDRK3法 20

6. 数值试验 21

7. 总结 23

参考文献: 23

附录I 24

致谢 27




Abstract:Heat equation is a very common kind of the partial differential equations. The numerical simulation of the heat equation can let its characteristics more intuitive to understanding, which is beneficial to the research in the diffusion of thermal energy. Further, the essentials of diffusion of heat equation can be used to simulate the change in the concentration of atmospheric pollutant, which is contribute to the prevention and control of air pollutants, reducing the harm and loss caused by air pollution.In addition, the heat equation is often used to test the performance and rationality of the numerical calculation method. Compact finite difference method is one of the numerical calculation methods. Comparing to general center difference method, the accuracy of the compact finite difference method is much higher, and the requirement of the grid node number is not too much and the complexity of the calculation has not increased significantly. In this paper, the two-dimensional heat equation is used as an example to verify the high accuracy of the four-order compact finite difference scheme for the purpose of being familiar with, further understanding and master the four-order compact finite difference method. In the numerical experiments of two-dimensional heat equation, we use central difference scheme and compact finite difference scheme in space, while in time, we use forward difference scheme (TVDRK3, and ADI) and backward difference scheme (implicit difference scheme). The results show that the accuracy of the compact finite difference method is high under the same requirement in the number of the grid nodes with other numerical scheme, whether it is the forward difference method or the backward difference method in time.

Key words:2D heat equation ; Compact finite difference method ; Numerical experiment

1. 绪论

1.1 热传导方程简介


1.2 数值计算




1.3 本文的研究内容

鉴于有限差分法格式简单,计算方便,易于实现编程,本文选择有限差分法进行讨论。有限差分法分为很多种类,比如早期传统的向前差分法,向后差分法,Crank — Nicolson法,Richardson法,在文献[3]中,比较详细地介绍了这些方法。通过文献[3]可以认识到,它们稳定性和精度较低,但是这些方法的理论已经比较成熟,在解决某些问题时能展现出很好的效果。而且之后发展的方法也是在这些方法的基础上进行的。像紧致差分法[4]就是发展之后的较好的方法。紧致差分法在相同计算复杂度的条件下,拥有更高的精度。因此本文主要介绍了该方法。紧致差分法是空间上的改进方法,而在时间上的改进方法有隐格式法[5],ADI法[6],TVDRK3法[7]。文献[5]证明了隐格式方法拥有良好的稳定性和精度,但是计算复杂度较高。从文献[6]中可以认识到ADI法对向前差分法进行改进,将原来的一步分成两步,减少了计算的复杂程度,但是会影响到整体的稳定性。而TVDRK3法进一步地降低了计算程度,在文献[7]中表明稳定性是比较好的。本文以热传导方程为例,在时间上用了三种差分方法,每一种方法分别用中心差分法和紧致差分法进行数值试验,以此验证紧致差分法的高精度特性。


2. 线性代数方程(组)的求解——牛顿迭代法



2.1 一维问题的牛顿迭代法




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