
 2022-08-22 09:08


摘 要

工厂中常见的机器都装有旋转部件,即转子。由于转子质量分布的均匀性问题,在机器高速旋转的时候,转子会有离心力的存在,而离心力就会导致转子系统出现振动。这会引起很多的危害比如减低机器的工作效率。严重的振动甚至会造成元件的断裂进而引发事故。为了避免由于质量分布不均产生的不平衡力,最有效的措施就是改变转子的质量分布。因此本文就是研究如何通过给转子加重来减少转子系统的振动。本文基于动平衡的理论基础,运用单、双平面的影响系数法推导刚性转子动平衡的加重量,进一步运用Visual Studio的集成环境进行应用程序的开发,并在转子试验台上进行了平衡的实验和结果分析。研究结果表明根据程序运行结果对转子进行加重调整之后,转子的不平衡量有了大幅度的减小。表明采用影响系数法的单、双平面校正刚性转子动平衡可以满足性能和精度要求,编写的应用程序也具有实用性,且操作简单方便。利用计算机编程来计算平衡加重,可以提高平衡效率并且平衡精度也较高。这也是目前动平衡研究领域内一个十分有意义且具有活力的发展方向。因此本文研究的利用已有的平衡理论和计算机技术通过编写应用程序进行转子的动平衡具有很大的现实意义。

关键词:刚性转子,动平衡,影响系数法,Visual Studio

A Study on Rotor-Bearing System Dynamic Balancing


Common machines in the factory are equipped with rotating parts, the rotor. Due to the uneven distribution of the rotor mass, the rotor system often vibrates because of the centrifugal force when the machine rotates at high speed. Vibration will produce noise and reduce the efficiency of the machine. Severe vibration can even cause component breakage, causing an accident. In order to avoid imbalance due to uneven quality distribution, the most effective measure is to change the mass distribution of the rotor. Therefore, this paper is to study how to reduce the vibration of the rotor system by adding weight to the rotor. Based on the theoretical basis of dynamic equilibrium, this paper uses the single-plane and double-plane balancing method to derive the weight of dynamic balance of rigid rotor, then uses visual studio integrated environment to develop applications. At last, the balance test and the result analysis were carried out on the rotor test bed. The results show that the unbalance of the rotor has been greatly reduced after the adjustment of the rotor according to the results of the program, which testifies that the influence coefficients balancing method has a relatively high balance accuracy, the application is also practical, and easy to operate. Calculating the balance increase by using computer programs can improve the balance efficiency accuracy. This is also a very important and dynamic development direction in the field of dynamic balance research. Therefore, the study on rotor-bearing system dynamic balancing by using existing balance theory and computer technology has great practical significance.

Key words: rigid rotor, dynamic balancing, influence coefficients balancing method, Visual Studio

目 录

1、引言 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2动平衡技术相关研究,现状及趋势 1

1.2.1国内对于动平衡技术的研究 1

1.2.2国外对于动平衡技术的研究 2

1.2.3动平衡技术的发展趋势 2

1.3本文所进行的工作 2

2、基本概念及理论推导 3

2.1转子不平衡振动的特点 3

2.2刚、柔性转子及其动平衡方法 3

2.3刚性转子动平衡的力学原理 5

2.4单、双平面影响系数法 7

3. 程序的公式推导 9

3.1单平面影响系数法 9

3.2双平面影响系数法 10

4.转子轴承系统计算程序实现 12

4.1 计算程序概况 13

4.2程序算法介绍 14

4.2.1 程序流程图 14

4.2.2 单平面转子动平衡计算方法 15

4.2.3双平面转子动平衡计算方法 16

4.2.4 高斯消元法求解四元一次方程组 18

4.3 程序使用方法 18

5.实验与分析 19

5.1实验过程及结果 19

5.1.1单平面影响系数法实验 20

5.1.2双平面影响系数法实验 22

5.2实验结果分析 23

6. 结论与展望 24

7. 致谢 25

8. 参考文献 25





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