
 2022-11-04 10:11


摘 要




Frequency locking loop design of three-phase power network based on SOGI


The stable operation of the power grid is an important index of power system must guarantee, when the power system severely disturbed, power generation and load demand imbalance, may lead to frequency fluctuation, and the power and electric equipment in the power system need to be running under the rated frequency, the system frequency changes in the serious impact on the power grid, which could lead to a blackout accident.In order to realize the reliable, safe and efficient operation of the power grid, it is necessary to design a fast response frequency synchronization algorithm, so that the voltage amplitude of the power grid can still recover synchronization when the power grid distortion occurs.

The frequency locking loop is an automatic control loop to realize frequency synchronization. It uses the grid frequency as the feedback variable to capture the real-time frequency of the grid voltage, and locks it when the frequency fluctuation exceeds the specified range.So as to achieve the purpose of maintaining the stable operation of the power grid.Therefore, in this graduation project, I plan to design the two-order generalized integrator frequency locking ring for the problem of three-phase voltage imbalance, and verify the adaptive control ability of DSOGI-FLL to the input voltage frequency through simulation tests.In this paper, the principle and structure of the second-order generalized integrator and the regulation ability of DSOGI-FLL under the condition of three-phase voltage asymmetry are briefly described.

Keywords:biquadratic generalized integrator,Frequency locked loop,The three-phase voltage is not symmetrical

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1课题背景 1

1.2研究目的及意义 2

1.3 锁相环的研究现状 2

1.4 GI的概述 3

1.5 SOGI概述 3

1.6 FLL概述 3

第二章 三相电压的设计 4

2.1 克拉克变换 4

2.2 序分量法 5

2.3 三相电压源模型 7

第三章 滤波器的设计 9

3.2 自适应滤波器AF 11

3.3 SOGI的基本结构和工作原理 11

第四章 锁频环的设计 12

4.1锁频环 13

4.2 SOGI-FLL的稳定性和调谐 14

第五章 双二阶广义积分器Siumlink模拟 18

5.1 模型的搭建 19

5.2 双二阶广义积分器锁频环Siumlink仿真 20

第六章 结 论 27

致 谢 29

参考文献 30

绪 论




在分布式并网发电系统中,并网变换器是连接电网与发电系统的桥梁。对并网变换器的无功功率和有功功率的控制,可以保证分布式发电系统在电网中运行正常。而无功功率和有功功率的控制依赖于对并网电流矢量的控制,要想控制并网,就需获得电网电压的作为参考。由此可知,欲使得电网并获得稳定的运行,必须第一时间。电网是一个“多变”的网络系统,如电网中负荷的加入或退出、、某些谐波引起,这些使得电网处于一种。因此,我们除了要掌握正常稳态下的电,更要获得暂态下任意时刻的电网。倘若不能及时获取同步信号,这些接影响连入该电网的一系列用电系统。电能质量的衡量标准:《》GB/T 15543.2008,《差》GB/T 12325.2008,《》GB/T 19939.2005,《》GB/T 15945.2008,《》GB/T 14549.1993,《》NB/T32004.2013,这些标准也是我们验证同步性能的依据。


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