
 2022-05-22 08:05


摘 要

随着电力系统的运行方式和结构向复杂化发展,如何快速并且准确地分析和判断电力系统的实际运行状态成为了迫切需要解决的问题。电力系统状态估计(State Estimator,SE)是预测系统的运行状态和排除运行中产生的随机干扰的有效方法,该算法可以有效得出电网运行的实时状态数据。但当电力系统规模扩大到一定数量级时,传统的串行计算法已经无法满足要求,本文通过图形处理器(GPU)来实现并行的状态估计算法,具体研究内容如下:


随后本文研究了电力系统状态估计算法的数学模型与算法在CPU GPU混构平台上详细实现的流程,确定算法需要进行并行化加速的具体步骤。





With the development of the operation mode and structure of the power system, how to quickly and accurately analyze and judge the actual operating state of the power system has become an urgent problem to be solved. The State Estimator (SE) is an effective method for predicting the operating state of the system and eliminating random disturbances generated during operation. The algorithm can effectively derive real-time status data of the grid operation. However, when the scale of the power system is expanded to a certain order of magnitude, the traditional serial computing method can not meet the requirements. This paper implements the parallel state estimation algorithm through the graphics processor (GPU). The specific research contents are as follows:

Firstly, this paper studies and analyses the architecture of GPU and the unified programming process and corresponding concepts under the platform of CUDA programming, which lays a foundation for the later research.

In addition, the paper also analyzes the Jacques matrix generation algorithm on the GPU in detail, and focuses on the sparse matrix storage structure in the sparse matrix LU decomposition algorithm and the general multiplication principle of CSR matrix. And using the dependency tree generation algorithm, the LU decomposition step on the GPU is accelerated, so that the single LU decomposition step achieves a 14.8 times speedup effect in the 9241 node network.

Finally, five examples were tested on the CPU and GPU platforms. As the node scale was expanded from 300 to 9241, the total time-consuming speedup on the GPU increased from 1.88 times to 38.14 times. The comparison shows that the GPU has a significant acceleration effect in a system with a large node size.

KEY WORDS: GPU, CUDA, state estimation, LU decomposition

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及其意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3主要研究内容 3

第二章 GPU架构和CUDA平台 5

2.1GPU和CPU硬件架构分析 5

2.2CUDA平台和架构 8

2.2.1主机(Host)与设备(Device) 9

2.2.2线程层次结构 9

2.2.3储存器层次结构 12

2.2.4 CPU GPU混构编程模型 12

2.3本章小结 14

第三章 电力系统状态估计算法研究 15

3.1电力系统状态估计定义 15

3.1.1电力系统状态估计的数学模型 15

3.1.2电力系统状态估计的用途 16

3.1.3电力系统状态估计与潮流计算关系 17

3.2电力系统状态估计算法 19

3.2.1基本加权最小二乘法数学模型 19

3.2.2状态估计中的测量方程 21

3.3电力系统状态估计程序框图 23

3.4本章小结 24

第四章 基于GPU的状态估计算法程序设计 25

4.1数据存储格式分析 25

4.1.1基于Matpower的网络数据 25

4.1.2稀疏矩阵的存储格式 25

4.1.3稀疏矩阵乘法实现 27

4.2CUDA编程架构下的节点导纳矩阵生成 28

4.3CUDA编程架构下的雅可比矩阵生成 30

4.4CUDA编程架构下的LU分解算法分析 31

4.4.1 LU分解基本分析 31

4.4.2 up-looking LU分解算法分析 32

4.4.3 LU分解在GPU中加速算法设计 35

4.5本章小结 39

第五章 算例分析 40

5.1 算例和测试平台 40

5.2状态估计算法加速分析 41

5.3本章小结 44

第六章 结论与展望 45

6.1结论 45

6.2展望 45

参考文献(References) 46

致 谢 48






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