
 2022-04-19 06:04


摘 要






With the rapid development of GPS technology, high requirements are placed on GPS processing accuracy. Network adjustment is an important part of GPS data processing and has a crucial impact on the final result. In my article, the theory of network adjustment process are the main research contents. By comparing the coordinates of control points with commercial software, the expected accuracy requirements are met, and the design of network adjustment software based on VS platform is realized.

The article introduces the principle of GPS common control network and mutual conversion, focusing on the GPS control network adjustment theory and algorithm, including three-dimensional unconstrained adjustment and the observation of the plane two-dimensional baseline vector and the difference between plane coordinates. The two-dimensional constrained adjustment of the observations is realized by using the C# language to realize the algorithm of Wang Ping and writing the program. Finally, using the measurement data of the Southeast University Jiulonghu Campus, the results are compared with the HGO software processing results. The results show that: (1) In the constraint adjustment, the error between the self-compiled software and the commercial software is in the centimeter level; (2) when the two-dimensional constraint is adjusted, the error in the x direction is centimeter, and the error in the y direction is millimeter.

The above conclusions prove that the self-compiled software is consistent with the commercial software results, indicating that the software is correct in the algorithm and can meet the needs of actual production.

KEY WORDS: GPS network adjustment, three-dimensional unconstrained adjustment, two-dimensional constraint adjustment, coordinate transformation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 论文的背景与研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状以及趋势 2

1.3 本文的研究内容 3

第二章 GNSS工程控制网使用坐标系以及转换 4

2.1 GPS中常用坐标系 4

2.1.1 WGS-84坐标系 4

2.1.2 1980西安坐标系 5

2.1.3 CGCS2000坐标系 6

2.2 坐标系之间转换 7

2.2.1 大地坐标系转换为空间直角坐标系 7

2.2.2 空间直角坐标系转换为大地坐标系 10

2.2.3 空间大地坐标系转换为平面直角坐标系 10

2.2.4 两个空间直角坐标系之间转换 12

2.2.5 两个平面直角坐标系之间转换 12

第三章 GNSS控制网三维无约束平差模型 14

3.1 数学模型 14

3.1.1 函数模型 14

3.1.2 随机模型 16

3.2 误差检验 16

3.2.1 单位权方差的检验 16

3.2.2 基线向量改正数 17

3.2.3 点位中误差 17

第四章 GNSS控制网二维约束平差模型 19

4.1 平面的二维向量作为观测值的约束平差法 19

4.2 平面坐标差作为虚拟观测值的约束平差法 21

第五章 网平差软件研制 22

5.1 引言 22

5.2 程序设计 22

5.3 软件界面 22

5.4 算例验证 23

第六章 结论与展望 29

6.1 结论 29

6.2 展望 29

参考文献 31

致 谢 33

附 录 34

第一章 绪论

1.1 论文的背景与研究意义



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