
 2022-02-24 07:02


摘 要


首先是通过查找大量的资料来对里面的一些器件的功能做了分析,并先择了合适型号的器件,例如:开关、串激电机的相关器件、风扇等,获得了其重要的尺寸,尺寸对于外壳的设计是起着决定性的作用。接下来是对传动系统的设计,本文使用的是一级齿轮传动,与一般电钻的传动级别一致。传动系统涉及到的内容有:齿轮相关计算、轴的相关计算等。传动系统设计完成后,基本所有该有的内部尺寸都已确定,可以开始设计电钻的外壳了。外壳的设计主要包括了两大方面,一个是外形的曲面设计,一个是内部的结构设计。设计过程中要符合电钻的一些指标,比如人体工程学的指标、安全指标等。把前面的各器件在NX10.0中构建出模型,这些模型的重要尺寸正确就行,结构不必太过详细。内部模型建好后,需要装它们先一个个的装配起来,装配的注意事项在下文会提到。装配完成以后,接下来进入外壳建模的阶段,外壳的建模有两种方法:法一是先建曲线,然后建曲面,再由面加厚成体,继而设计内部支承结构;法二是直接建体,再进行抽壳,得到一个具有一定厚度的电钻外壳的模型, 继而设计内部支承结构。本文中用的是第一种方法,由于第二种方法,适合有长期设计经验的设计者,这两种方法也是各有优缺点,下面会提到。当所有模型都完成后,再完成工程图纸。




With the popularity of electric tools, people's work efficiency is also more and more high, life in one of the most common is the electric drill, the with pistols shape tools often makes a person curious its internal structure and design process. The work of this paper is to design a simple electric drill, mainly for the transmission design and drill shell design, some of the other device only discusses their function.

The first is to find a lot of information and to analysis their function. Then choose suitable device, for example: switch, devices of series excited motor, motor fan. The size of these devices which is import for the drill shell must be obtained. A pair of gears’ transmission is used as usual. Transmission system is related to the contents of: the calculation of the gear, the calculation of the shaft, etc. After those, all sizes of the devices have been identified. The next step is the design of the drill shell which contains two aspects. One is the shape of the surface design and the other is the internal structure design. In the process of design there are some rules must be obeyed, For example: the standard human body engineering, the standard safety, etc. Now, make the models of the internal devices in NX10.0. Just make the model important dimensions correct. These models must be assembled together. More information about assembling will be mentioned in the following. Next, enter the stage of shell modeling. There are two methods for shell modeling design. The first method: build the curve, and then build the surface, and then thickened by the surface into the body, and then design the internal support structure. The second method: build body, then get a shell with a certain thickness, and then design the internal support structure. The first method is used in this paper, because of the second method are suitable for designers with long term design experience, and these two methods have their advantages and disadvantages. More information will be mentioned in the following. When all models are completed, it’s time to complete the engineering drawings.

The mechanical design process of the electric drill has made detailed explanation, and this paper provides a good idea for the design of the drill. With the development of society, the function of the drill also step by step change, now drill is not only can be used for drilling holes, through the speed can be a very good control of the size of the torque, and can be used for fastening screws and loosen screws and other occasions.

Keywords: drill, functional analysis, Transmission design, Shell design, modeling, engineering drawing


摘要 I

Abstract 3

第一章 绪论 5

1.1 研究背景与意义 5

1.2 国内外研究现状 5

1.3 论文研究内容及方法 7

第二章 电钻原理分析和方案的确定 8

2.1 电钻的内部结构和组成 8

2.2 电钻各零部件的作用与工作原理 8

2.3 电钻参数的设定 9

2.4 总体方案的拟定 9

第三章 电钻各器件的选择 11

3.1 电动机的选择 11

3.2 碳刷的选择 12

3.3 换向器的选择 13

3.4 开关的选择 13

3.5 风扇的选择 13

3.6 电源线护套的选择 14

第四章 传动系统设计 15

4.1 齿轮设计 15

4.2 轴的设计 20

第五章 电钻机壳的设计 30

5.1 电钻机壳的设计原理 30

5.2 电钻机壳的外形设计 31

5.3 电钻机壳的内部结构设计 35

第六章 总结与展望 40

6.1 工作总结 40

6.2 关键创新点 40

6.3 展望 40

致谢 41

参考文献 42

附录 44



电动工具中最先研制出来的就是电钻,第一台电钻是由世界上的工业强国德国研发的,当时这台电钻的情况与世界上第一台计算机是的情况是类似的,重量大,并且只能钻4mm的孔。后来取得了一定的进步,三相工频的电钻继而研发了出来,但是由于电动机的技术没能跟上,所以仍有十分大的限制。随着电机技术的进步,电钻的研究也取得更大的进步,终于出现了一款功能完善的电钻,电钻的“心脏” 是由单相串励电机构成的。后面的一段时间电钻等电动工具的发展更是进入了黄金时期,各种工频和各种优势的电钻争相出现,甚至出现了充电钻,这种电钻不需要电源线的束缚,方便携带到户外使用。在70年代的中后期,电钻在国外得到了很大的普及,由电钻的种类日益增加,电钻产量逐渐提高,电池成本降低,电钻的售价也变得便宜不少。但是这些电钻都还是使用的金属外壳,这样相比于如今的电钻来看,绝缘性太差安全性不高,而且质量太大不方便使用。后来电钻又采用了工程塑料来制作其外壳,这样电钻的制作成本不但降低了,还使电钻的外壳可以做成各式的美观的形状,同时又能减轻电钻质量和增加绝缘的性能,可以说工程塑料的使用是电动工具领域的一项重大的突破。电钻的发展固然迅速,然而人们对电钻的要求也是更加的苛刻,于是经过设计师们的努力,又为电钻增加了调速等功能,这是电子领域在电钻中的应用,电钻的调速不能依靠复杂的机械结构来实现,所以只能依靠开关中的电路来实现。可以看出电钻虽小,但它却是很多领域技术的结晶。



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