
 2022-02-10 07:02


摘 要








The existing methods for the detection of edible oil are mainly chemical reagents and physical testing methods, but these methods lack the rapidity and accuracy as well as the nondestructive testing methods. Based on this, this paper designs a low field nuclear magnetic resonance probe, combined with the existing electronic control systems and magnets, assembled into a portable nuclear magnetic resonance instrument prototype, applied to the quality of edible oil identification. The main work of this paper includes the following three aspects:

(1) .Parameter optimization of RF coils. The stable manufacturing process and performance test method of RF coil are studied. Based on the magnetic resonance signal to noise ratio theory, the geometric parameters of the optimal RF coil are determined according to the experimental results.

(2). Tuning matching of nuclear magnetic resonance probe. For the above mentioned RF coils, a stable tuning circuit is designed, and the package and performance test of the nuclear magnetic resonance probe are completed.

(3). Study on the application of nuclear magnetic resonance probe in the quality identification of edible oil. The development of the NMR probe and detection of the soybean oil, peanut oil, blend oil and rapeseed oil and four different kinds of edible oil NMR relaxation time. Test results show that the NMR relaxation time decreases with the increase of oil frying time cooking. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of low field NMR probe can distinguish different quality of edible oil.

Through the three aspects of the work, the relationship between oil NMR relaxation time and oil frying time. It is concluded that the low field nuclear magnetic resonance probe can be used for the quality identification of edible oil.

Keywords: food oil, quality identification, low field nuclear magnetic resonance, RF coil


摘要 1


1.绪论 5

1.1课题研究背景 5

1.2 研究现状 5

1.3 立论依据和研究意义 6

1.4 本论文研究的内容 7

2.射频线圈的设计与制造 8

2.1 射频线圈 8

2.2线圈的结构 8

2.2.1信噪比(SNR) 8

2.2.2线圈类型的选取 8

2.2.3线圈结构参数 9

2.2.4 线圈的结构参数和线圈信噪比(SNR)的关系 9

2.3 寻找最佳深宽比 10

2.3.1 原因 10

2.3.2 理论计算不同深宽比线圈对应的信噪比(SNR) 10

2.3.3计算结果 12

2.4. 寻找最佳线圈线径和匝数 16

2.4.1 实验设计 16

2.4.2.计算过程和结果 16

3.低频核磁共振探头的性能测试和分析 18

3.1调节匹配电路 18

3.2 电路调节匹配的过程 19

3.3 实际和理论Q值的比较 21

3.4 误差分析 21

4低频核磁共振应用与实验 22

4.1材料和方法 22

4.1.1 材料 22

4.1.2 设备和方法 22

4.2数据处理和分析 23

4.3 实验总结 24

5.总结与展望 25

致谢 26

参考文献 27




煎炸食品的品质与煎炸所用的食用油有着紧密的关系。食用油在煎炸的过程中会发生聚合、氧化、分解和水解等等各种化学反应,色泽逐渐变深,油的黏度增大而且气味劣化,食用油的品质受到一定程度的损坏甚至威胁到人的身体健康的[[2]]。有的人就是因此会对街边小吃嗤之以鼻。截止到目前,国家标准GB 7102.1-2003对煎炸油理化指标[[3]]要求酸价≤5 mgKOH/g、羰基价≤50 mmol/kg、极性组分≤27%,但在实践检测过程中存在诸多困难,比如理化指标操作繁琐、费时费力、易接触有毒试剂、易受操作人员的影响等等,难以实现快速、实时监测。所以,发明一种快速、准确、便捷的检测煎炸油品质的方法非常有必要。


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