
 2022-01-29 08:01


摘 要






This paper provides a design scheme of comb vertical lifting stereo parking garage.

This paper introduces the research status at home and abroad of stereo garage, analysis introduction and prospect in domestic parking and parking for various types of features, in-depth understanding and study of the working principle of vertical lifting stereo parking garage and the advantages and disadvantages, and on the basis of the comb type for lifting and loading plate comb type vertical lifting stereo parking garage, and each of the vertical lifting type parking part introduces design, including a comprehensive analysis of the mechanical structure of vertical lifting type parking equipment, including axial strength, lifting drive system of steel structure of vertical lifting type parking the strength, strength the lifting plate chain strength and loading plate strength. This paper also of vertical lifting stereo parking garage lifting transmission system were detailed design and calculation. Using reasonable method to realize the garage lifting and sliding transmission and the overall framework of vertical lifting stereo parking garage and local structure optimization, the overall framework of the strength and improve the weight. The strength and reliability of the welded parts are checked by force analysis. On the basis of static analysis, the stress and strain analysis of some important parts is carried out by ANSYS, which can meet the requirement of stability. And puts forward a variety of options, access to relevant standards, after the design calculation to determine the switching a comb vertical lifting stereo parking garage, and thereby to establish model, export drawing, rendering simulation and control system design. Finally, design and a feasible comb exchange type vertical lifting stereo parking garage.

Keywords: comb type, vertical lifting parking


摘要 Ⅰ

abstrcat Ⅰ

第一章 绪论 4

1.1立体停车库的定义和分类 4

1.1.1立体车库的定义 4

1.1.2立体车库的分类 4

1.2课题的背景和意义 5

1.3国内外研究现状 6

1.3.1 国外研究现状 6

1.3.2 国内研究现状 6

第二章 垂直升降类立体停车库原理特点以及梳齿的简介 6

2.1垂直升降类立体停车库原理 6

2.2垂直升降类立体停车库原理特点 8

2.3梳齿简介 9

第三章车库整体方案,设计要求和梳齿交换原理 10

3.1总体结构方案及运行原理 10

3.2设计要求 12

3.3梳齿交换原理 12

第四章横移载车板设计计算 14

4.1车型尺寸的选取 15

4.2横移装置梳齿强度校核计算 16

4.3横移装置H型钢梁的受力计算 18

4.4 横移装置的T型钢校核计算 21

4.5传动齿轮齿条校核计算 22

4.5.1计算参数的设定 22

4.5.2齿轮的校核设计计算 22

4.5.3 齿条的校核计算 24

4.6链条传动的设计计算 25

4.7电机的选择 27

4.8齿轮轴的设计(查机械设计) 28

4.7滚轮轴的设计 31

4.8滚轮轴支撑轴承的寿命计算 31

4.9滚轮滚动轴承的寿命计算 32

第五章 升降装置的设计校核 33

5.1 升降装置校核计算 34

5.2升降板载车钢条的校核计算 34

5.3升降载车装置横梁的设计计算 36

5.4 升降链轮链条的设计计算 36

5.4.1设计链传动(查机械设计) 36

5.4.2链轮的设计算 38

5.4.3升降链轮的设计计算 40

5.5 滚子链的静强度计算 42

5.5滚子链的使用寿命计算 43

5.6 滚子链耐磨性计算 43

5.7上面链轮轴的设计计算 44

第六章钢架结构设计 46

6.1整体钢架结构的组成结构和功能特点 46

6.2立体车库主体钢架结构 46

6.3主要受力梁选型、计算与较核 47

6.3.1受力梁的计算 47

6.3.2受力梁的选型 49

6.3.3受力梁的校核 50

6.4主要受力柱的选型、计算与较核 52

6.4.1柱的计算 52

6.4.2柱的选型 53

6.4.3 柱的校核 54

6.5 柱脚设计 55

6.6钢结构的连接 57

6.6.1焊条的选用 57

第七章 其他设计 58

7.1配重块的设计 58

7.2漏油装置的设计 58

7.3安全装置的设计 58

第八章 结论展望与感谢 58

8.1 结论 58

8.2 展望 59

8.3致 谢 59

参考文献 60


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