
 2021-12-15 09:12


摘 要





External Circulation and Manipulator Feeding Device Design of Plasma Welding Automatic Production Line for Glass Mold

02011415 Dongdong Li

Supervised by Fang Jia

Abstract: In recent years, glass mold industry has been rapidly developing in our country, and plasma welding, as the key technology for glass mold production, has earned widespread applications in the industry. Glass mold plasma welding process in China, however, is generally achieved through the traditional manually-operated and single-station plasma welding machine, wherein multiple problems exist, which seriously restricts the development of glass mold industry in our country, consequently, it is of great engineering significance and application value to research into the automation degree improvement of the plasma welding production line of glass mold. Aimed at this, the plasma welding equipment is thoroughly studied, and through combination with the relevant knowledge of automatic production line, the concrete parameters and the structural solution of the external circulation of the plasma welding automatic production line and the manipulator feeding device of the glass mold are presented.

1. With the satisfaction of actual production as a starting point, the existing plasma welding process of glass mold is researched, the plasma welding workflow is comprehensively analyzed, and the design scheme of the plasma welding automatic production line of glass mold is eventually drafted.

2. In accordance with the plasma welding workflow of glass mold, the overall design scheme of the plasma welding automatic production line is researched and analyzed, and based on the actual production needs, seven devices composing the production line are determined, subsequently, the parameter selection and structural design of the devices (the furnace body excluded) are eventually completed, which mainly included: first, in view of the multi-varieties and small-batch production mode and the large deadweight characteristic of glass mold, the general heavy-duty manipulator feeding device is designed; second, according to the demands of plasma welding process and with the employment of feeding dolly and pallet, the circulating device at the furnace bottom is designed, through which the function that the glass goes into and out of the furnace body is realized; Third, for the high-temperature work-pieces from the furnace, the feeding and charging devices which can stably convey high-temperature work-pieces are designed.

3. Key parts of the seven devices are checked, and according to the calculation results, each of the device structures is modified and perfected. Moreover, SolidWorks is employed for 3D modeling of the production line, and the engineering drawings are plotted, which lay the foundation for the subsequent improvement, the future test run and the industrial application of the plasma welding automatic production line of the glass mold designed in this paper.

Key words: glass mold, plasma welding, automatic production line, manipulator, automatic feeding


1、绪论 1

1.1选题背景与意义 1

1.2国内外发展概况 1

1.2.1玻璃模具等离子焊的发展概况 2

1.2.2等离子焊接自动生产线的发展概况 3

1.2.3机械手的发展概况 4

1.3主要研究内容及论文结构 5

2、玻璃模具等离子焊接自动生产线总体方案设计 7

2.1上料机械手的总体方案设计 7

2.1.1机械手的型式 8

2.1.2上料机械手方案设计 9

2.2上料装置的总体方案设计 14

2.3炉底循环装置的总体方案设计 14

2.4炉体的总体方案设计 15

2.5送料装置的总体方案设计 16

2.6工作台的总体方案设计 17

2.7下料装置的总体方案设计 18

2.8本章小结 19

3、玻璃模具等离子焊接自动生产线的参数计算 20

3.1上料机械手的参数计算 20

3.1.1水平方向直线运动的驱动力计算 20

3.1.2竖直方向直线运动的驱动力计算 23

3.1.3回转运动的驱动力矩计算 24

3.1.4机械手的校核计算 26

3.2生产线外循环的参数计算 29

3.1.1外循环电机的选择 29

3.1.2链条和链轮的选择 30

3.3本章小结 32

4、 结论与展望 33

4.1工作总结 33

4.2研究展望 33

致谢 34






玻璃模具是玻璃制品重要的成型工具,模具质量直接影响其使用寿命、玻璃制品的外观和生产成本[2]。我国是一个模具制造大国,随着经济的迅猛发展,模具产品的市场需求年平均增长速度超过13% ,近年模具的市场需求增速尤为明显,目前我国模具生产产量位列世界前列,模具生产及其下游产品制造已成为国内重要产业,模具产业的发展对我国工业的发展具有举足轻重的地位,对我国经济的发展起着重要作用[6]。当前我国国民经济健康、快速发展,给模具行业带来快速发展的良机[16]。模具行业的发展有其自身发展规律,目前模具行业发展的总体趋势是高精度、自动化、机器人化以及智能化[3]



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