
 2023-01-08 10:24:46


摘 要



Overall design of fire truck outrigger turnover machine


Large circular parts often need to be turned over in the process of transportation and processing. This paper introduces the design technology, operation flow and specific design steps of a kind of motor-driven chain drive turning machine as the turning device of large automobile cylinder parts. In this paper, the size and size of the fixture is deduced through the known size of the clip size, so as to match the design of the appropriate C-shaped sprocket, and then through the calculation of the chain and small sprocket to establish a complete chain drive, then through the demand of the transmission ratio to find out the appropriate motor, and the design of the appropriate spindle. Finally, the control components are installed to complete the whole design of an outer-leg turning machine. Because of the large cylindrical parts size is bigger, the weight is bigger, when carries on the processing and transportation to the finished product of cylindrical parts easily damaged, sometimes even may produce damage because of hoisting wire rope and a threat to spare parts, equipment and personnel, and the paper design the turnover than traditional overturned methods to solve the above problems, more convenient and safe.

Key words: fire engine, Outrigger, Turnover machine, Large machinery, Overall design of turnover machine

目 录

摘 要 ............................................................................................................................................................Ⅰ

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................................Ⅱ

第一章 引 言 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.1 选题背景及难点重点 1

1.1.2 翻转机简介 1

1.1.3 翻转机原理 2

1.1.4 翻转机分类: 2

1.1.5 翻转机国内应用 2

第二章 设计方案确定 4

2.1 原始依据 4

2.1.1 大型筒形零件翻转要求 4

2.1.2 支腿翻转机 4

2.2 消防车支腿结构 4

2.3 支腿翻转机的必要性 5

2.4 支腿翻转机结构功能设计 5

第三章 设计计算 7

3.1 基本参数计算 7

3.1.1 翻转机高度 7

3.1.2 夹具数据 7

3.2 C形链轮的设计 7

3.2.1 链轮基本参数计算 8

3.2.2 复杂参数计算 10

3.3 电机的选用 12

3.4 轴的设计 13

3.4.1 链轮转矩计算 13

3.4.2 作用在链轮上的力 13

3.4.3 初步确定轴的最小直径 14

3.4.4 轴的结构设计 14

第四章 控制设计 16

4.1 控制方案 16

4.2 限位开关 16

4.3 光电传感器 17

第五章 安 装 19

5.1 旋转部件安装要求 19

5.2 支腿翻转机建模示意图 19

致 谢 20

参考文献 21

第一章 引 言

1.1 选题背景

1.1.1 选题背景及难点重点




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