
 2022-08-11 09:08


摘 要




So far, the development of Chinese enterprises has entered a new stage of co-existence of mechanization, electrification, informationization, and intelligence.

Enterprise intelligence is the advanced phase of enterprise informationization. If enterprises want to successfully become intelligent, they must consolidate their own informationization construction. This study intends to explore the JS Pharma Logistics Center’s changes on business processes, organizational structures, and new business operations after the application of the TMS. Based the challenges faced by the company at the beginning of the TMS design, this study combined the functions of the TMS itself. The author analyzes what adjustments some systems such as the ERP and WMS, and the operational procedures of the warehousing department and the transportation department should make. What’s more, appropriate picking strategies should be designed according to hardware and personnel distribution. Besides, it will explore the impact of the application of the TMS single system on other emerging businesses throughout the enterprises. The conclusion of this study includes three parts. First, the warehousing department needs to further promote the application of bar code technology, and select advanced TMS systems, hardware equipment and picking strategies. Although some departments’ efficiency may be reduced, the overall efficiency and accuracy can be improved. Second, intelligent dispatching of transport and transportation supervision are achieved. In addition, the information chains among the enterprises and across the enterprises are connected, the information connection was realized, and the efficiency of business operation among various departments across the enterprises and the efficiency between enterprises and customers are improved.


目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 研究背景及意义 1

1.1智能化促进信息化 1

1.2信息化对企业意义深远 1

1.3医药行业需要信息化 2

1.4 JS医药物流中心的信息化建设 3

第二章 运作流程分析 4

2.1仓储部门 5

2.1.1验收组 6

2.1.2整拣组 6

2.1.3零拣组 7

2.1.4复核组 8

2.2运输部门 9

2.3逆向物流 9

2.3.1采购 9

2.3.2销售 10

第三章 TMS上线对物流中心的影响 12

3.1组织重构 12

3.1.1票据中心 12

3.1.2仓储运输业务员联合办 12

3.2系统调整 13

3.2.1ERP 13

3.2.2WMS 14

3.3流程调整 14

3.3.1拣货策略 14

3.3.2仓储部门 15

3.3.3运输部门 16

第四章 TMS对其他业务的影响 19

4.1SPD院内物流 20

4.2智慧药房 21

4.3定点配送 22

第五章 结论 23

第六章 后续展望 24

致谢 25

参考文献 26

第一章 研究背景及意义


17世纪至18世纪,随着蒸汽机的发明、改进及其工程应用,引发了第一次工业革命,人类开始进入以机器生产为特征的工业化社会。1870年前后,发电机、电动机、内燃机以及电话、电报等相继出现,以零部件标准化和流水作业为特征的大规模生产方式极大地提升了生产力水平,由此引发第二次工业革命,人类由“蒸汽化时代”进入“电气化时代”。20世纪中叶,人类在原子能、电子计算机、微电子、航天以及生物工程等领域相继取得突破,以电子计算机、集成电路、可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)等为主要标志,引发第三次工业革命,人类开始进入“信息化、数字化时代” []。21世纪以来,大数据、人工智能、工业机器人、智能制造风起云涌,以智能制造为主要特征的第四次工业革命轮廓初现,人类开始进入“智能化时代”。

从企业核心竞争力的视角,全球制造业经历了追求生产规模、生产成本、产品质量、响应速度、创新能力等发展阶段。Michael E Porter教授,曾经是美国哈佛大学的教授,被称为“竞争战略之父”,他在《竞争战略》中提出了三种竞争战略,即专一化、差异化和总成本领先。Porter认为,处于价值链中游的生产加工环节容易模仿,而处于上下游的研发、设计、营销、售后服务等环节不宜模仿,能够获得较长时期的差异化竞争优势[2]。


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