
 2022-06-20 11:06


摘 要





The game industry is an emerging industry that has become increasingly popular with the development of the times. With the popularity of the Internet, it has become an integral part of people's daily lives. At the same time, game development has always been a hot part of software development. In today’s game market, large-scale online games, represented by League of Legends, Jedi Survival, Fortress Night, etc., account for most of the market share, but due to the fragmentation of people’s time, the number of mobile games and pages increases. The tour began to enter the people's field of vision, and slowly occupies the dominant position of the market. Among them, the html5 game industry with html5 as the main development language is also rapidly developing. As a relatively special type of software, game software has always regarded the interaction between software and users as the top priority in development. With the development of html5 technology, the html5 game industry has unique advantages, regardless of whether it is for game developers. It is very friendly, its development process is simple and efficient, and its development cost is low. It has ultra-fast user interaction, very good portability, and strong social functions. These advantages can keep it warm in the next development. And occupy a place in the game industry.

The main contents of this article include how to use the Egret game development engine to design and develop an active system module for over one million html5 games on the moon, mainly the master-apprentice system module. The entire development process includes the previous requirements analysis, module design, and code. Implement, test a few standard processes, and need to consider the issue of recurring issues for these active systems and later version upgrades. Through the development of this apprenticeship system module, we will further understand the HTML5 game production process, development specifications and other related development issues and pureMVC framework, Egret game engine, Typescript language and other technical issues. And at the end give my own experience and insights.

Keywords: Game development, HTML5 web games, Egret game engine, pure MVC framework


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 市场背景 1

1.3 本文结构概述 1

第二章 相关技术分析 2

2.1 HTML技术 2

2.2 Typescript语言 2

2.3 pureMVC框架 2

2.4 Egret游戏引擎 2

第三章 师徒系统模块的需求分析 3

3.1 需求目标 4

3.1.1 必要性 4

3.1.2 目标 4

3.2 可行性分析 4

3.3 详细需求分析 5

3.4 开发软硬件条件分析 5

3.4.1 硬件条件分析 5

3.4.2 软件条件分析 5

第四章 师徒系统模块的设计分析 6

4.1 师徒系统模块简介 6

4.2 流程与数据表设计 7

4.3 玩法规则设计 8

4.3.1 程序设计逻辑规则 8

4.3.2 玩法规则 9

第五章 师徒系统模块的代码实现 10

5.1 模块框架实现 10

5.1.1 Model模型层 10

5.1.2 View视图层 10

5.1.3 Controller控制层 10

5.1.4 模块工作方式 10

5.2 师徒主界面的实现 11

4.2.1 View类 12

4.2.2 Mediator类 14

4.2.3 Proxy类 17

4.3 师徒申请界面的实现 18

5.3.1 View类 19

5.3.2 Mediator类 19

5.3.3 Proxy类 21

5.4 师徒列表render的实现 21

5.5 师徒信息界面的实现 21

5.5.1 View类 22

5.5.2 Mediator类 23

5.5.3 Proxy类 23

5.6 师徒任务弹窗的实现 23

5.7 师徒任务render的实现 24

第六章 师徒系统模块的测试与总结 25

6.1 用例测试 25

6.1.1 进入国子监测试 25

6.1.2 师傅布置任务功能测试 26

6.1.3 师徒传授经验功能测试 26

6.1.4 师徒掠夺调戏功能禁用测试 26

6.2 测试总表 28

第七章 总结与展望 25

致谢 30

参考文献 31


1.1 研究背景






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