
 2022-02-14 09:02


摘 要





Convolutional Neural Network is a special deep neural network model, as a architecture of Deep Learning, has become a research hotspot in the field of image recognition and speech analysis. Its specificity can be reflected in two aspects:Firstly, it uses a local connection rather than a full connection between the neurons; Secondly, the neurons in the same layers of the CNN share and take the same weights. The two points above ,which making the CNN much more similar with the network structure of biological neural networks, reduce both the complexity of the network model and the amount of the weights. As a visual subject, face recognition technology involves the face detection, image processing, feature extraction, face recognition fields, with great practical significance and great commercial value.Convolution neural network applied to feature extraction and face recognition fields, has an excellent performance.

The paper will focus on the principle of the CNN how could it work on feature extraction or classification process works, and how theMatConvNet (a CNN framework based on the matlab)implement convolutional neural network. It will also take a brief pre-introduction on the processingof the face image dataset with its impact and significance. Finally, we will introduce a set of experiments by means of MatConvNetto realizetheface recognition based on the convolutional neural network, and talk about the optimization for face recognition on aspects of the image pre-processing and network model design trough the analysis of experimental data.

Keywords: convolution neural network, deep learning, features extraction, image classification, face recognition , MatConvNet , LFW



Artificial Neural Network


Convolution Neural Network


Central Processing Unit


Graphics Processing Unit


Rectified Linear Units


Labeled Faces in the Wild


Support Vector Machine


摘要 II

Abstract III

英文缩略词表 IV

目录 V

表格目录 VIi

插图目录 VII

第一章 绪论 9

1.1 研究背景 9

1.2 国内外研究现状 9

1.3 本文研究内容及意义 10

第二章 卷积神经网络 11

2.1 卷积神经网络由来 11

2.2 卷积神经网络核心思想 12

2.2.1 局部感知 12

2.2.2 权值共享 12

2.2.3 多层卷积核 13

2.2.4 多层卷积层 13

2.2.5 池化操作 14

2.3 卷积神经网络层次及模块 15

2.3.1 卷积层(Convolution Layer) 15

2.3.2 池化层(PoolingLayer) 16

2.3.3 Softmax层(SoftmaxLayer) 16

2.3.4 归一化(Normalizemodule) 17

2.3.5 ReLU(ReLUmodule) 18

2.3.6 Dropout(Dropoutmodule) 18

2.4 本章总结 18

第三章 MatConvNet卷积神经网络框架 19

3.1 MatConvNet概述 19

3.2 MatConvNet学习探索历程 19

3.2.1 基于MatConvNet卷积神经网络模型 20

3.2.2 基于MatConvNet卷积神经网络的学习 22

3.3 MatConvNet特性分析 23

3.4 本章总结 23

第四章 实验:MatConvNet下基于CNN人脸识别 24

4.1 实验方案权衡 24

4.1.1 人脸数据集选择 24

4.1.2 图像预处理 25

4.1.3 网络模型选择 26

4.2 实验结果数据分析 27

4.2.1 网络学习方式对实验结果的影响 27

4.2.2 数据集预处理操作对实验结果的影响 29

4.3 本章总结 31

第五章 总结与展望 33

5.1 课题研究总结 33

5.2 研究展望 33

致谢 36

参考文献 37


表 1:训练数据顺序打乱概率与人脸识别准确率关系表 27


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