
 2022-02-13 06:02


摘 要





Design and implementation of security input system

based on Android sensor


The smart phone become more and more powerful and there is a lot of sensitive information in our smart phone .User always input sensitive information on the phone , such as bank card number , password and so on. So we need a security input system to ensure the security of user input.

The system is based on the Android platform, which can control the user's input by using the acceleration sensor data combined with the machine learning algorithm. The user controls the movement of the mark by the tilt angle of the mobile phone, and determines the input by knocking the back of the phone. I training the svm on computer to get a model and the model will be used in mobile phone applications.

Using this system can effectively avoid some of the attacks: visual attacks, the side channel attacks that based on the acceleration, etc.. At present, the recognition accuracy of the system is as high as98.89%. The accuracy of password input is up to 95.83%, if the attacker wants to brute force our password, there is only 0.0227% possibility.

KEY WORDS: android,input method, acceleration sensor, safety, machine learning, SVM


第一章 绪论 6

1.1 引言 6

1.2 研究现状 6

1.2.1 Android输入法开发框架 6

1.2.2 加速度传感器和方向传感器 7

1.2.3 机器学习 8

1.3 研究内容 9

1.4 论文组织结构 9

第二章 系统设计 10

2.1 光标移动模块 10

2.1.1 需求 10

2.1.2 软件设计 11

2.1.3 最终实现 12

2.2 敲击识别 14

2.2.1 需求 14

2.2.2 软件设计 14

2.3.3 最终实现 17

第三章 相关工具设计及实现 19

3.1 数据采集工具 19

3.1.1 需求 19

3.1.2 软件设计 19

3.1.3 最终实现 19

3.2 测试工具 20

3.2.1 需求 20

3.2.2 软件设计 20

3.2.3 最终实现 20

第四章 系统测试 22

4.1 综述 22

4.2 识别率实验 22

4.2.1 实验内容 22

4.2.2 实验结果 22

4.2.3 结论 22

4.3 误判率实验 22

4.3.1 实验介绍 23

4.3.2 实验结果 23

4.3.3 结论 23

4.4 输入时间及准确率实验 23

4.4.1 实验介绍 23

4.4.2 实验结果 24

4.4.3 结论 26

4.5 安全性实验 26

4.5.1 实验介绍 26

4.5.2 实验结果 26

4.5.3 结论 26

第五章 总结 27

5.1 总结 27

5.2 展望 27

致谢 28

参考文献 29

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言





1.2 研究现状


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