
 2022-02-08 08:02


摘 要


Caffe是一个由伯克利视觉学习中心(BVLC)的研究生开发的开源深度学习框架。该框架是一个基于BSD授权的C 库,使用Python和MATLAB调用接口,用于从商业架构上高效地训练和使用通用卷积神经网络和其它深度学习模型。Caffe中的卷积神经网络(CNN),是通过卷积过滤器层和其它类似矫正和池化的操作,使用反向传播的算法有区别地训练出来的。Caffe使用谷歌的协议缓冲语言(Protocol Buffer)写成配置文件的形式来定义模型,使用lmdb和LevelDB来生成数据集。


  1. 建立自己的声呐图像库,并将它转换成统一格式的数据库文件
  2. 建立包括数据层、卷积层、池化层和全连接层在内的卷积神经网络
  3. 设定包括最大迭代次数、测试间隔等解释器参数,并将网络训练成模型
  4. 使用Caffe的Python接口调用预训练模型,并将图层的参数和输出可视化



Convolutional Neural Network is one of an artificial neural network. It is an efficient recognition algorithm widely used in feature extraction, image classification and other fields in recent years.Now, CNN has become a hot topic of many scientific fields, particularly in the field of pattern recognition, since the network avoids the complexity of the pre-pretreatment on the image, you can directly enter the original image, which has been more widely used, mainly used to identify displacement, zoom, and other forms of distortion invariance of two-dimensional graphics.

Caffe is an open source framework for deep learning developed by graduates from the Berkeley Visual and Learning Center (BVLC). It is a C library based on BSD licensed, with Python and MATLAB bindings as a usage to train and use common convolutional neural network and other deep-learning model from commercial architecture. The convolutional neural network in Caffe, are discriminativelytrained via back-propagation through layers of convolutionalfilters and other operations such as rectification and pooling.Caffe use Google's Protocol Buffers language written in the form of the configuration file to define the model, and use lmdb and LevelDB to generate the dataset.

This paper describes the procedure of the usage of Caffe to set up and train the network to be used to identify sonar image. The main focus in the following areas:

  1. set up a sonar image dataset and convert it into a unified format of database files.
  2. create convolutional neural networks including data layer, convolution layer, pooling layer and innerproduction layer.
  3. set solver parameters including max iteration, test interval, etc., and make the network model trained.
  4. invoke Python bindings of Caffe to use the pre-trained model, and visualize the layer parameters and output.

Keywords: convolutional neural network, deep learning, features extraction, image classification, pre-trained model


摘要 I

Abstract III

目录 V

第一章绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 Caffe的起源 1

1.3 Caffe的优点 2

1.4 论文组织 2

第二章 CNN卷积神经网络推导和实现 3

2.1 介绍 3

2.2 全连接的反向传播算法 3

2.2.1 前向传播(Feedforward Pass) 3

2.2.2 反向传播(Backpropagation Pass) 4

2.3 卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks) 4

2.3.1 卷积层(Convolution Layers) 4

2.3.2 子采样层(Sub-sampling Layers) 6

2.3.3 学习特征图的组合(Learning Combinations of Feature mapps) 7

2.3.4 在MATLAB 中快速实现(Making it Fast with MATLAB) 8

第三章基于卷积神经网络的深度学习框架Caffe的安装及使用 9

3.1 Caffe及其环境的安装 9

3.1.1 安装NVIDIA驱动和CUDA Toolkit 9

3.1.2 iPython安装和调试 9

3.1.3 Caffe的安装和测试 10

3.1.4 安装其他依赖项 10

3.1.5 安装Caffe并测试 11

3.2 Caffe的数据结构 12

3.2.1 块(blob) 12

3.2.2 层(layer) 12

3.2.3 网络(network) 12

3.2.4 模型(model) 13

3.3 本章小结 13

第四章使用Caffe训练和使用自己的数据 15

4.1 数据预处理 15

4.1.1 数据集简介 15

4.1.2 统一图像大小(可选) 16

4.1.3 生成图像文件和标签的描述列表文件 17

4.2 数据训练 18

4.2.1 生成lmdb数据库文件 18

4.2.2 生成图像均值 19

4.2.3 定义网络 19

4.2.4 定义Solver 26

4.2.5 开始训练 26

4.3 实验结果及分析 29

第五章预训练模型和Python接口的使用 32

5.1 在iPython界面上用训练好的模型去分类图形 32

5.2 逐层可视化图像特征 35

第六章总结与展望 41

6.1 总结 41

6.2 展望 41

致谢 43

参考文献 45





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