
 2022-01-26 11:01


摘 要





Data Distribution Service with Semantic Support Ability


With the continuous development of the distributed technology, the distributed data distribution service has been applied to more and more large-scale distributed integration systems, such as military, power, wisdom city and etc. However, as more and more application domains have adopted data distribution service, some limitations of data distribution service have exposed. One of these is the lack of semantic support, which will cause some problems, for example, when the system upgrades, the structure of data or topic name might change, which might lead to the failure of integration of current system.

Firstly, this article extends the grammar of the Interface Description Language (IDL), and the extended language can be used to describe the semantic information of data. Secondly, by implement a compiler for the extended language and append a subsystem in data distribution service, the data distribution service turns into an extended service, which can maintain and understand the semantic of data. The extended service can adjust the state of publication-subscription automatically when the structure of data changes as well.

In practice, this article combines an existing data distribution service (DataBus) and semantic support ability based on the extended IDL to implement an extended service, which can resolve the problems caused by upgrading system, such as the change of the topic name. The extended service proves the design of the semantic support as well.

Keywords: Data Distribution Service, Semantic support ability, Interface Description Language (IDL)


摘要 1

Abstract 2

目录 3

第一章 绪论 5

1.1. 研究背景与意义 5

1.2. 本文主要内容 5

1.3. 本文组织结构 6

第二章 相关技术 7

2.1. 数据分发服务 7

2.1.1. OMG DDS 7

2.1.2. 软总线 8

2.2. 语义Web 10

2.3. IDL语言 11

第三章 具有语义支持能力的扩展服务 12

3.1. 数据类型和数据类型主题 12

3.2. 数据类和数据类主题 12

3.3. 扩展的IDL文法 13

3.3.1. 使用扩展IDL文法来进行描述 14

3.3.2. 扩展IDL文法的BNF范式 15

3.4. 语义支持能力的体现 15

第四章 扩展服务的总体设计与实现 18

4.1. 需求分析 18

4.2. 数据类型管理应用接口模块 18

4.2.1. 模块类介绍 18

4.2.2. 数据类型注册报文 19

4.2.3. 数据类型注册报文的处理流程 20

4.3. 数据类主题创建接口 22

4.4. 数据类主题的订阅 23

4.4.1. 数据类主题订阅报文 23

4.4.2. 数据类主题的订阅在上层应用中的处理 24

4.4.3. 数据类主题的订阅在节点代理中的处理 25

4.5. 数据类主题的取消订阅 27

4.5.1. 数据类主题取消订阅报文 27

4.5.2. 数据类主题的取消订阅在上层应用中的处理 28

4.5.3. 数据类主题的取消订阅在节点代理中的处理 28

4.6. 数据的转换与分发 30

4.6.1. 数据类主题和数据类型主题的匹配算法 30

4.6.2. 数据的转换 31

4.6.3. 数据的分发 32

4.7. 针对扩展IDL的编译器工具的设计 32

第五章 系统测试和结果分析 34

5.1. 测试环境 34

5.2. 测试内容设计 34

5.3. 测试结果及分析 36

5.3.1. 阶段1 36

5.3.2. 阶段2 39

第六章 总结与展望 43

6.1. 总结 43

6.2. 展望 43

致谢 44

参考文献 45





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