
 2023-04-19 05:04


摘 要


该系统具备的基本功能有个人信息管理、日常业务办理、话费查询、套餐变更、积分规划以及最新动态等。这些都是移动通信系统的重要功能组成,对经济效益和社会效益具有重要意义。该系统在.NET平台上开发,采用Web模式,通过客户与Web页面的交互来实现相关业务,采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010作为本系统的编程工具[11] ,编程语言采用C#,数据库采用SQL Server2008,用于数据的存储[3]。此外,运用UML统一建模对系统的需求分析进行建模,规划系统的功能模块,为系统的开发制定相关流程和方案。系统的开发以人性化界面、简便的操作来为客户提供优质的服务。


Mobile Communication Online Business Hall Simulation System


With the continuous expansion of business communication, gradually diversified, intelligent. The traditional manual service has been unable to meet the existing demand, in order to give customers a better service experience, with the rapid development of the information age, emerge as the times require online business system. Specifically for the customer"s mobile communications business acceptance and information inquiry service of online business hall system provide, is an online service platform and a communications project. Customers can enter the website for the required business, And telecom company provides high quality service window for customers, As long as the customer has PC machines connected to the Internet, you can enjoy the service. Customers do not have to go to the operating room for the store, which greatly improves the service efficiency. With the development of the Internet, online business system is becoming more and more popular, and praised by the masses.

The system has the basic function of personal information management, daily business handling, calls inquiries, change packages, integral planning and the latest developments etc. These are the important function of mobile communication system, is of great significance to the economic and social benefits. The development of the system on the.NET platform, using Web mode, through the interaction with the customer Web page to achieve the related business, Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as the programming tools of this system, using C# programming language, the database uses SQL Server2008, used for data storage. In addition, the use of UML modeling to the system"s demand analysis model, functional module planning system, formulate relevant processes and programs for the development of the system. The development of the system with user-friendly interface, simple operation to provide quality customer service.

Key Words:China Mobile communication Business Hall;B/S model;Unified Modeling Langua

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章系统概述 2

1.1移动营业厅模拟系统概述 2

1.2移动营业厅模拟系统背景和意义 2

1.3 移动营业厅模拟系统功能模块概述 2

第2章系统开发工具和环境 3

2.1 ASP.NET 简介 3

2.2 Visual C# 2010编程环境介绍 3

2.3 Microsoft SQL Server 2008简介 4

第3章需求分析 5

3.1移动营业厅模拟系统需求规格说明书 5

3.1.1 编写目的 5

3.1.2 定义 5

3.2任务概述 5

3.2.1 目标 5

3.2.2 运行环境 5

3.3性能需求 6

3.3.1 数据精确度 6

3.3.2 系统响应时间 6

3.3.3 适应性 6

3.4系统可行性分析 6

3.4.1技术可行性分析 6

3.4.2操作可行性分析 6

3.4.3 经济可行性分析 6

4.1 系统功能分析 7

4.2 模拟系统模块设计 7

4.2.1模拟系统的总体功能设计 7

4.2.2 模拟系统各子模块功能详细设计 7

4.3 模拟系统的对象设计 11

4.3.1 分析对象 11


4.3.2 绘制类图 13

第五章映射 16

5.1 映射概述 16

5.1.1数据连接公共模块的描述 16

5.2将方法、属性映射到编程环境 16

5.2.1资料修改类对象映射 16

5.2.2短号类对象的映射 17

5.2.3会员管理类对象的映射 17

5.3 持久性数据数据映射到存储模式 18

5.3.1信息类对象属性映射为个人信息表字段 18

5.3.4礼品管理类映射为礼品信息表 19

5.3.5礼品收藏类属性映射为礼品收藏信息表 19

5.3.6订单信息类属性映射为订单信息表 19

第六章系统测试分析报告 21

6.1 测试方法 21

6.1.1 黑盒测试 21

6.2 软件测试分析报告 21

6.2.1 资料修改的用例测试 21

6.2.2 短号创建的用例测试 21

6.2.3 会员管理的用例测试 22

第7章总结 23

谢辞 24

参考文献 25




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