
 2023-04-18 09:04


摘 要


html语言是国际上广泛流行的、很有发展前途的计算机脚本语言。是一个新的web标准的集合,它包括全新定义的HTML标签和更为规范化的HTML标签,CSS3以及全新的javascript API接口。这些接口既能操作前端所见所得,也能操作后台输送到前台的数据,比如宁人振奋的离线存储功能,,并且html5不但可以实现游戏而且完全可以实现类似于智能手机APP端的应用。只是在国内,受到网速,以及智能设备性能等原因的限制,HTML5 Web应用还处于萌芽发展阶段


关键词:网页设计;计算思维;多媒体;html5 ;CSS;JS

Based on The Calculation of HTML 5 Thinking Micro Class Design and Implementation of Multimedia Information


Multimedia teaching, also known as CAI teaching, the 21 century, the development of multimedia technology, the multimedia computer teaching to the environment and the hypertext information organization and the direction of development, the general computer system, the teaching content can be presented simultaneously with the acoustic image, thus enriching activities, also make the teaching mode from traditional human to human system to the man - machine - system transformation mode, how to optimize the process of classroom teaching by using modern educational technology, to play the initiative of students in charge, break through the difficulty in the teaching of multimedia technology, as a new form of education and modern education, because of its text, image, animation and comprehensive treatment its powerful interactive features, for teachers to carry out mathematics teaching smoothly according to the image of the expression.

HTML language is a computer language widely popular internationally, promising. Is a set of new web standard, which includes a new definition of HTML tags and more standard HTML tags, CSS3 and the new JavaScript API interface. These can be seen from the operation interface of front-end, can operate backstage to the front conveying data, such as Ning exciting offline storage function, and HTML5, can not only realize the game and can realize intelligent mobile phone application similar to APP end. Only by the speed in China, and intelligent equipment performance, constraints and other reasons, the HTML5 Web application is still in the embryonic stage of development

In this paper, through the two parts to introduce you to existing in multimedia computing thinking, first introduced the computational thinking, HTML 5, and the background of the multimedia technology, the body is described in detail the design of the detailed design.

Keywords: Webpage design; computational thinking; multimedia; HTML5


摘 要 I


第一章、【引言】 1

1.1、研究背景 1

1.2、研究目的和意义 1

1.3、论文组织结构 1

第二章、【相关技术的介绍】 2

2.1、HTML5的介绍 2

2.1.1、新增加了一些全新的表单输入对象 2

2.1.2、全新更合理的标签 2

第三章、【研究现状和计算思维的运用】 3

3.1、多媒体研究现状 3

3.2、计算思维研究现状 3

3.3.计算思维的运用 4

第四章、【网站总体分析和概要】 5

4.1、主页的要求 5

4.1.1布局设计: 5

4.1.2 颜色设计 11

4.2网页的设计思想和制作流程 12

4.3.网站设计要素 12

4.3.1.结构要素 12

4.3.2.图片要素 13

4.3.3排列方法要素 13

4.3.4.颜色方法要素 14

4.3.5.网页主旨要素 14

第五章、总结 15

第六章、 致谢 16

参考文献 17





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