
 2023-03-21 04:03


摘 要



虚拟专用网(VPN,Virtual Private Network)是一个在一定程度上私密专用的通信线路,建立在公用互联网中。并且采用加密与访问控制技术。虚拟专用网中任何两个节点之间的通信,没有传统的物理链路相连,而是使用公共网络动态集成,提供透明客户端,让用户好像是在使用一个专有的通道一样进行通信。

本课题主要探讨的是VPN技术在校园网内的应用研究,主要为基于安全套接层(SSL,Secure Socket Layer)协议和基于OSI第三层中IPSEC的VPN技术,首先研究VPN技术原理以及技术分类,对VPN技术优势和主要技术进行总结后,比较分析,选取校园网VPN的解决方案;从而对选取的VPN技术进一步分析设计校园网的搭建。




This is an era of rapid development of the Internet,and there is a increasing demands for resources sharing via the Internet.With the development of society and the popularity of computers,it does exist many adverse factors in traditional technology of Internet.The new generation of Internet requires us to faster, more stable and more secure in the process of information transmission .

With the constant establishment of campus branch and office personnel, the Internet of each campus needs to solve the problem of resource sharing among other campuses.Internet is based on the technology of TCP/IP, which has the function of resources sharing and the openning, but its security is uncontrollable .There must be some potential safety hazard in the process of information transmission.Inorder to solve these problems, the technology of VPN came into being.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology of communication on private lines that is built on the public Internet. Any communication between the nodes in VPN is using public network dynamic integration insteading of the traditional physical links to provide too the client.Let users seem to be in use of a proprietary channel for communication.

Mainly discussions in this paper is research on the application of VPN Technology in the campus network, based on secure sockets layer (SSL, secure socket layer) protocol and OSI layer 3 in IPSec based VPN technology studied. Firstly, we will summarize and analysis the advantage of VPN technology based on principle of VPN technology and classification technology.Select the solution of campus network VPN, and further analyze the construction of the campus network for the selection of VPN technology.

Through the VPN technology, the problem of resource sharing and security access in campus network is solved, and the main purpose of this project is to verify the validity of its scheme.

Keywords: IPSEC; VPN VPN; VPN SSL; resource sharing in campus network


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 背景 1

1.2 目的和研究内容 1

1.2.1 研究目的 1

1.2.2 研究内容 1

第二章 VPN简介 2

2.1 VPN技术原理 2

2.2 VPN的安全技术 2

2.2.1 VPN连接模式 2

2.2.2 加密技术 2

2.2.3 密钥管理技术 3

2.2.4 使用者和设备身份验证技术 3

第三章 VPN分类 4

3.1 VPN服务类型分类 4

3.2 VPN隧道协议分类 4

3.2.1 点对点隧道协议(PPTP) 4

3.2.2 第二层转发(L2F) 4

3.2.3 第二层隧道协议(L2TP) 5

3.2.4 通用路由协议(GRE) 5

3.2.5 IPSEC 5

3.2.6 SSL 6

第四章 校园网解决方案 7

4.1 校园网结构 7

4.2 需求 7

4.3 设计考虑 8

4.3.1 基本要求 8

4.3.2 采用接入方式、通信协议和流量保护 8

第五章 实现过程 9


5.1.1 IPSEC VPN的工作原理 9

5.1.2 IPSEC VPN实现设计 9

5.1.3 实施过程需考虑问题 12

5.2 SSL VPN 12

5.2.1 SSL VPN的工作原理 12

5.2.2 SSL VPN实现设计 12

5.2.3 SSL VPN的进一步考虑 13

结束语 15

致谢 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪论


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