
 2022-01-27 02:01


摘 要


本文首先介绍了关于风险资本、集聚与地理亲近和区位选择前人的理论和实证研究。在实证部分,本文基于1988-2012年CV source投中集团数据库披露风险投资机构、投资金额等信息的4141个样本,研究地理距离怎样影响风险投资机构对创新企业的投资。研究表明,风险投资机构与创新企业之间的地理距离越大,其对创新企业的投资金额越多;地理距离越大,轮次选择也更靠前。可见,风险投资机构投资的本地偏好不体现在金额选择上。进一步的检验发现,对于非核心发达地区的风险投资机构和国有风险投资机构,投资受地理距离影响更大。将年份对金额的影响纳入回归之后,面板数据回归之中,相较于随机效应,各解释变量和控制变量对被解释变量的影响更符合固定效应模型。最后,基于实证结果,本文给出了对于政府政策、创新企业选址和风险资本投资策略的针对性建议,也总结了研究的不足,给出了进一步完善研究的思路。


Location Selection and Agglomeration

for PE/VC Investment


The recent capital feast in China has inspired people to pay attention to capital market. Venture capital is one of the beneficiaries in this capital feast. Venture capitals are professional investors who raise funds in private ways and invest in unlisted small-and-medium enterprises. High risk and high revenue coexist in this form of capital operation. In a practical perspective, many countries and regions witness the development of VC industries into the form of agglomeration. And venture capitals tend to invest in local or nearby start-ups, which promotes entrepreneurship and innovation in such areas. In the perspective of theoretical research, geographical studies of venture capital become increasingly important.

This article first introduced some previous theoretical and empirical researches about agglomeration, spatial proximity and location selection for PE/VC investment. In the empirical part, this article is based on the disclosed investment information including venture capital institutions, investment amount and etc. using CV source database. It contains 4141 samples, ranging from 1988 to 2012. This study tries to figure out how geographic distance affects venture capitals’ investment to innovative enterprises in China. It shows that, based on this specific dataset, the greater the geographic distance between two firms is, the more venture capitals will invest to start-ups. And the greater the geographic distance is, the earlier venture capitals will decide to invest to start-ups. Hence, we conclude that investment amount of institutions could not reflect local preference if it does exist. Further research finds that venture capitals in noncentral or non-developed areas and state-owned venture capital institutions are more sensitive to geographic distance when they choose a certain investment amount. Considering the impact of the time point of investment on investment amount, in panel data regression we finds out that compared with random effects, fixed effects model is more applicable when exploring the influence of various explanatory variables and control variables to the dependent variables. Finally, according to the empirical results, we presented in this paper suggestions for the government's policy, location selection of the start-ups and investment strategy of venture capitals. We also summarize the deficiency of this research and put forward the direction of further research to polish it up.

KEY WORDS: location selection; agglomeration; spatial proximity; local preference; venture capital; private equity; start-ups


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.2.1 PE/VC投资本地偏好研究综述 1

1.2.2 地理临近、集聚与区位选择研究综述 2

1.2.3 文献评述 3

1.3 研究方法与技术路线 4

1.4 研究框架与主要内容 5

1.5研究难点及可能的创新点 5

第2章 理论分析与研究假设 6

2.1 制度背景 6

2.2 理论分析 6

2.3 本文假设 7

第3章 研究设计 9

3.1 样本与数据 9

3.2 变量说明 9

3.2.1 被解释变量 9

3.2.2 解释变量 9

3.2.3 控制变量 10

3.3 描述性统计及分析 11

第4章 实证研究 15

4.1 单变量分析 15

4.2 多元回归分析 15

4.2.1 投资金额 15

4.2.2 风险资本所在地和产权属性 17

4.2.3 投资轮次选择 18

4.3 面板数据回归 19

4.4 本章小结 21

第5章 总结 22

5.1 全文结论 22

5.2 政策建议 23

5.3 本文研究的不足与未来研究展望 24

参考文献 25

致谢 27

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景及意义



1.2 文献综述

1.2.1 PE/VC投资本地偏好研究综述

首先需要明确的是,地理亲近指是指风险投资机构主要以本地区企业为投资对象[1],而集聚性表明的是风险投资公司之间在区域选择上的一致性。黄晓和胡汉辉[2]将这样的现象总结为双重集聚,具体体现为风险投资机构(供应方)和创业公司(需求方)的双重空间集聚,或者说在流向上资本有着从集聚到集聚的特征。那么,PE/VC地理临近和集聚现象理论研究有怎样的发展经过和一般结论呢? French 等[3]最早发现资本的地理亲近现象:投资者在自己所在国的资本市场配置大部分甚至全部资金,后人称之为本国偏好之谜。Lener[4]的研究表明,针对风险投资家担任创业企业董事会成员的现象,临近企业比远距离企业有着更高的概率。之后,对本国偏好的研究转移到本地偏好研究上,Coval等[5]发现在美国,共同基金公司总部与企业总部在地理位置上接近的组合更可能形成投资意向,对于小型、生产非贸易商品、高财务杆杠的公司来说尤为如此。


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