
 2022-01-26 11:01


摘 要





The development of the Internet impact on farmers ' income growth


With the development of information technology, Internet applications play an important role in economic growth. As part of the economic, the rural economy also affected Internet development thrust, thus affecting the income of farmers.

According countryside from 2002 to 2013 of 31 provinces in every hundred computer ownership per capita income growth, per capita consumption growth, data revenue structure of Internet penetration and residents of rural households, are established fixed effects model and random effects model by Huasman test selection model type, the Internet and the growth of farmers' income empirical analysis. The results show that the development of the Internet to promote the growth of farmers' income effect, the impact on the income structure is mainly family business income and income from wages to influence, when the higher degree of Internet development, the smaller the proportion of household business, while wage The larger proportion of income.

Also on Jiangsu Shuyang Weir Village Taobao village as a case analysis, specifically addressed the impact of the Internet on farmers' income channels, mainly to promote the flow of information, changes in agricultural production and operation mode and drive farmers employment and entrepreneurship.

KEY WORDS: Internet ; Information technology; Farmers' income ; Taobao village

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景、意义和目的 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义和目的 1

1.2论文结构和研究方法 2

1.2.1论文结构 2

1.2.2研究方法 2

1.3创新之处 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1引言 3

2.2信息化的概念 3

2.3农村互联网发展的度量指标体系 4

2.3.1农村信息化指标的选取原则 4

2.3.2农村信息化的度量指标 4

2.4互联网对经济的效应 6

2.4.1互联网对宏观经济的效应 6

2.4.2互联网对农民收入增长的效应 7

第三章 理论机制 9

3.1促进信息流通 9

3.2改变农业的生产和流通模式 9

3.3带动农民创业就业 9

第四章 实证分析 11

4.1模型 11

4.1.1模型的设定 11

4.1.2变量的选取 12

4.2数据 12

4.2.1数据来源 12

4.2.2统计性描述 13

4.3估算方法、回归结果与分析 15

4.3.1估算方法 15

4.3.2回归结果与分析 15

4.4结论 23

第五章 江苏省沭阳县颜集镇堰下村的案例分析 24

5.1“淘宝村”的定义 24

5.2堰下村简介 24

5.3堰下村发展电子商务的先决条件 24

5.3.1得天独厚的自然条件 24

5.3.2政府政策的支持 24

5.3.3完善的产业组织结构 24

5.4堰下村电子商务的发展历程 25

5.4.1自发创业阶段 25

5.4.2专业化市场的形成阶段 25

5.4.3转型升级阶段 26

5.5互联网影响堰下村农民收入增长的渠道分析 26

5.5.1互联网使堰下村的花木市场更加活跃 26

5.5.2互联网改变了堰下村的花木经营模式 27

5.5.3互联网带动堰下村的农民创业就业 27

第六章 总结、建议与展望 28

6.1总结 28

6.2建议与展望 28

致谢 30

参考文献 31

第一章 绪论



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