
 2022-07-05 08:07


摘 要






Commercial banks make profits by taking risks and managing risks. In monetary policy transmission mechanism and economic cycle fluctuation, bank risk identification and risk preference are two key factors. Therefore, the monetary environment has a significant impact on the risk taking of commercial Banks. With the accelerated development of Internet finance in recent years, many functions of Banks have been impacted by Internet finance. Under the interaction of the development of Internet financial and monetary environment, the risk taking of commercial Banks has undergone new changes.

In this context, firstly, the paper analyzes the risk taking of commercial banks from two aspects: monetary environment and Internet finance. Then, by comparing the conclusions, based on databases such as Wind and Bankscope, we collect data on 16 listed commercial banks in China from the first quarter of 2014 to the first quarter of 2016. The relationship between monetary environment, Internet finance and the risk taking of commercial banks is studied by empirical analysis. Finally, according to the conclusion, relevant policy suggestions are put forward.

The empirical research shows that monetary policy has a negative correlation with commercial banks' risk-taking, that is, a low-interest-rate monetary environment will lead to aggravation of bank risk exposure. At the same time, there is a positive correlation between the development level of internet finance and the non-performing loan ratio of banks. That is, internet finance will increase the level of commercial banks’ risk exposure. The development of internet finance will affect monetary policy and then it reduces the impact on non-performing loan ratios.

Key words: monetary environment, Internet finance, commercial banks, risk-taking behaviors

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 导论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 2

1.3 研究方法与论文结构 2

1.4 相关概念的界定 3

1.5 研究的关键点与难点 4

1.6 可能的创新点与存在的不足 4

第二章 国内外相关文献综述 6

2.1 货币环境与商业银行风险承担 6

2.2 互联网金融与商业银行风险承担 7

2.3 小结 8

第三章 理论与假设 9

3.1 互联网金融对商业银行风险承担的影响机制 9

3.2 货币环境对商业银行风险承担的影响机制 9

3.3 货币环境、互联网金融对商业银行风险承担的影响机制 10

第四章 变量选取、数据来源与模型设定 11

4.1 变量选取与数据来源 11

4.1.1 商业银行风险承担变量 11

4.1.2 货币环境变量 11

4.1.3 互联网金融变量 11

4.1.4 控制变量 12

4.2 模型设定 13

第五章 实证分析 15

5.1 实证分析和结果 15

5.1.1 变量描述性统计 15

5.1.2 变量相关性 15

5.1.3 模型结果 15

第六章 结论与建议 20

6.1 结论 20

6.2 建议 20

6.2.1 有关货币环境方面的建议 20

6.2.2 有关互联网金融方面的建议 20

6.2.3 有关商业银行方面的建议 21

致谢: 22

参考文献 23

第一章 导论


1.1 选题背景


学者们认为,2002年美国发起的低利率货币政策导致了投机泡沫和证券化信贷产品的扩张,增加了金融机构和贸易公司的风险偏好,从而导致因高额货币积累造成的危机。危机过后,货币政策变化与金融机构风险承担之间的关系学者和从业者的关注。2008年,Borio和Zhu构造了一个先前被忽视的货币政策传导渠道——货币政策的冒险通道(Risk-taking Channel)以描述二者之间的关系。商业银行在货币政策对实体经济施加影响的过程中发挥着极其重要的作用。


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