
 2023-03-29 03:03


摘 要




Analysis of the Impact of Green Barrier on Chinese Agricultural Products Export Trade:Taking Agricultural Product ExportTrade in Shandong Province as an Example


From the perspective of trade history, every new surge of trade protectionism has a clear interest orientation. The green trade protectionism due to the protection of human health, ecological environment and sustainable development on the grounds, not only to meet the part of consumers and environmentalists, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the exception clauses of WTO, but also conducive to the importing country to protect its industrial development. Therefore, the green trade protectionism soon become one of the obstacles of Global trade liberalization, and green barriers as the main means of green trade protectionism has also been multiplying rapidly.

This paper studies the trade protectionism trajectories, this paper expounds the historical inevitability of green trade protectionism and its influence on international trade. From domestic and abroad, analysis of our country has been the cause of the green barrier. Building trade gravity model, combining the current situation of Shandong agricultural product export trade green barriers and case analysis, to the influence of green barrier on Chinese agricultural products export trade for empirical analysis. Through the analysis we can see that the developed countries to implement green barriers in our country has obvious selectivity, mainly for in our country has a competitive advantage in their country a product with the competitive disadvantage, so a great influence on China"s agricultural exports. At the end of the paper is how to deal with green barriers are discussed, and points out that China"s agricultural exports to rely on the target market of green barriers is unrealistic, we should adjust the industrial structure of our country and development strategy to adapt to the development trend.

Keywords: Green barrier; Agriculturalproducts export trade; Agricultural products in Shandongprovince; Gravity model

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章绪论 1

1.1 论文的背景和意义 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.2.1有关绿色壁垒的界定 1

1.2.2 我国农产品出口贸易遭遇绿色壁垒的原因 1

1.2.3 绿色壁垒影响的实证分析 2

1.2.4突破绿色壁垒的措施和建议 2

1.3 论文的研究方法和结构 3

1.3.1论文的研究方法 3

1.3.2 论文的结构 3

第二章绿色壁垒的理论透视 4

2.1绿色壁垒的主要内容 4

2.2 “绿色壁垒”的基本类型 5

2.2.1 绿色关税和市场准入 5

2.2.2 绿色标准和法规 5

2.2.3 绿色卫生检疫制度 5

2.2.4 绿色包装制度 6

2.2.5 环境标志 6

2.2.6 成本内在化的要求和绿色补贴限制 6

2.3 “绿色壁垒”的特点 7

2.3.1 “绿色壁垒”的合理性 7

2.3.2 “绿色壁垒”的广泛性 7

2.3.3 “绿色壁垒”的隐蔽性 7

2.3.4 “绿色壁垒”的相对性 7

2.3.5 “绿色壁垒”的时效性 7

2.3.6 “绿色壁垒”的歧视性 8

第三章绿色壁垒对我国农产品出口贸易的影响 9

3.1 我国农产品出口现状 9

3.2 我国农产品出口主要国家的绿色壁垒政策 9

3.2.1 美国 9

3.2.2 欧盟 10

3.2.3 韩国 10

3.3 绿色壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响 10

3.3.1 积极影响 10

3.3.2 消极影响 10

第四章山东省农产品出口贸易遭受绿色壁垒的实证分析 12

4.1 单位根检验 12

4.2 协整分析 12

4.3 VAR模型的建立 13

4.4 格兰杰因果检验 15

4.5 脉冲响应函数 15

4.6 方差分解 16

第五章应对绿色壁垒的措施 17

5.1 提高国内技术标准,完善技术标准体系 17

5.2 积极建设行业协会,强化预警机制 17

5.3 调整优化我国产业结构 17

致谢 18

参考文献: 19

第一章 绪论

1.1 论文的背景和意义




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