
 2022-06-30 10:06


摘 要





Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has undergone tremendous changes, and its contribution to the world economy has increased year by year. Throughout the recent 20 years' rapid development, China has played a very important role in the important measure by making the economy be driven by investment. But behind the rapid economic growth, there are also a series of problems.

Through the collection and collation of relevant data, this paper makes a further description and Analysis on the problem of overcapacity in China's steel industry, and uses specific indicators to measure the degree of overcapacity in China's steel industry. Through the analysis of relevant data on "before the implementation of The Belt and Road" strategy and pointed out that China's steel industry through the export of steel products to achieve results, and study the countries that receive the output of the steel production capacity of china.This article refers to the relevant literature since 2005, 2005 - 2010, the majority of the literature mainly summed up the reasons, status and impact of China's iron and steel industry overcapacity, and the 2010 - 2017 most of the literature focused on foreign trade transfer capacity. In this paper, the implementation of supply side reform and "The Belt and Road" strategy as a starting point, focusing on China's iron and steel industry capacity output impact on related areas and industries, the paper analyzed the relevant data, and puts forward relevant policy suggestions.

Key words: excess capacity; steel industry; foreign trade


第一章 绪论 8

1.1 研究背景 8

1.2 研究意义 9

1.3 研究内容和方法 9

1.3.1 主要研究内容 9

1.3.2 主要研究方法 10

1.3.3 主要创新与不足 10

第二章 文献综述 12

2.1 产能过剩的定义 12

2.2 国外研究动态及文献综述 12

2.2.1 产能过剩的形成机制 12

2.3 国内研究动态及文献综述 12

2.3.1我国钢铁行业相关研究 12

2.3.2 产能过剩的形成机制及影响 13

2.3.3去产能的思路和方法 14

第三章 钢铁行业产能过剩的表现及分析 16

3.1 我国钢铁行业的发展历程 16

3.2 我国钢铁行业产能过剩的表现 17

3.2.1我国钢铁行业产能过剩的具体表现 17

第四章 我国钢铁行业产能过剩的影响因素分析 22

4.1 国际钢铁行业的产能过剩的表现 22

4.1.1 国际钢铁行业产能过剩的状况 22

4.1.2 北美自贸区钢铁行业产能过剩的状况 22

4.1.3 欧盟钢铁行业产能过剩的状况 23

4.1.4 中美贸易战和“一带一路” 23

4.2 我国钢铁行业产能过剩的影响因素分析 25

4.2.1 国内因素 25

4.2.2 国际因素 27

第五章 结论与政策建议 28

5.1 结论 28

5.2 政策建议 28

致谢 28

参考文献 28


1.1 研究背景


钢铁产品作为基础性的原材料,支撑着国民经济的平稳运行以及上、下游相关行业的消费需求。经过十几年经济快速增长的积累,钢铁产能远远超过了目前的市场需求,而近几年来我国的经济发展进入放慢速度,优化结构和转换动力的新时期,国内市场对钢铁产品的消费需求持续减 少,我国钢铁行业淘汰落后产能的行动已经进行了近十年,但是现实是我国钢铁行业过剩产能愈来愈庞大,化解过剩产能仍面临巨大压力。“相关报告显示,2015年我国粗钢产能利用率不足70%(产能利用率=粗钢产量/粗钢产能),根据国际标准,产能利用率低于75%就属于严重过剩,也就是说2015年我国钢铁行业出现‘严重过剩’;山钢、酒钢、武钢和鞍钢等十家大型钢铁企业粗钢产量占比五年内下降15%以上,产业集中度不升反降;根据相关数据推测,2016年我国钢铁行业产能利用率将进一步下滑,钢材消费量持续下跌至7亿吨以下,2015年我国钢铁行业出现了全面亏损,这一年是钢铁行业艰难存活的一年,在接下来的一年时间里,钢铁行业亏损额持续增加。”[1]严重的产能过剩使得整个钢铁行业盈利水平急剧下降,钢铁企业遭受了长期的亏损。


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