
 2022-04-15 07:04


摘 要


  1. 阐述论文的研究背景、研究意义、国内外研究现状以及研究方法;
  2. 整理归纳包括社交电子商务、用户购买意向等在内的理论知识;


  1. 分别从感知体验、情感体验以及信任体验三方面对拼多多社交营销现状分析,并提出针对性地改进建议。





The development of Internet information technology has brought about a significant impact on people's lives, the convenience of people's communication has been improved, and people's shopping methods have gradually become networked. The reason for this phenomenon is that people's consumption concept, lifestyle and living habits have changed compared with the past, but the reason for the root pursuit is that the current technological survival mode is dominated by virtual survival. E-commerce emerges as the times require under this background, and has become a competitive business model in the current economic environment, which is more suitable for the current information fragmentation, information explosion and intelligent communication because of its diversified characteristics. An era of rapid development. However, the internal competition of e-commerce is more fierce, in order to occupy a place between e-commerce and e-commerce, its marketing strategy is very important. The traditional marketing means accepted passively by consumers are not suitable for e-commerce industry. in this era of information explosion, consumers are not satisfied with being passive recipients of information and have become producers of information. Therefore, E-commerce enterprises need to explore a more acceptable marketing model for consumers. Moreover, e-commerce has become a mainstream trend, and its driving effect on the national economy should not be underestimated. The state should encourage this kind of economic situation, which has a driving effect on the national economy. Scholars and colleges and universities study this kind of economic situation. Finally, all kinds of social APP emerge in endlessly, and some ecommerce companies begin to rely on social APP for product promotion, which is called social ecommerce, and is accepted, familiar and studied by the public. More and more social e-commerce sites appear, the operating profit of such sites is mainly the transaction of the website, they collect the commission through the transaction volume, in other words, the transaction volume of the website determines the profit situation of the website. In order to increase the transaction volume of the website, the website first needs to improve the purchase intention of customers, which is the business model of social e-commerce. Taking pinduoduo as an example, this paper takes the customer as an example. From the perspective of experience, the marketing strategy of social e-commerce is studied. The main research contents of this paper are as follows:

This paper expounds the research background, research significance, research status and research methods at home and abroad.

Collate and summarize the theoretical knowledge, including social e-commerce, user purchase intention and so on;

To identify the dimensions of the driving factors of users' purchase intention on social e-commerce sites, and to establish the identification system of pinduoduo's customer experience dimension.

The present paper analyzes the present situation of multi-social marketing from three aspects of the sense experience, the emotional experience and the trust experience, and puts forward some suggestions to improve the social marketing.

Keywords: social ecommerce; customer experience; marketing


基于客户体验的社交电商营销策略研究——以拼多多为例 1

摘要 1

1.引言 5

1.1研究背景 5

1.2研究意义 5

1.3研究方法 6

1.5研究内容 6

2. 相关理论综述 7

2.1社交电商的概念与特点 7

2.1.1社交电商的概念 7

2.1.2社交电商的特点 7

2.1.3我国社交电商的发展现状和发展趋势 8

2.2社交电子商务模式 8

2.2.1基于社交媒体的电子商务 8

2.2.2第三方社交电子商务 9

2.4国内外研究现状 9

2.4.1国外研究现状 9

2.4.2国内研究现状 10

3. 拼多多社交电商的目标客户群体分析 11

3.1拼多多介绍 11

3.2拼多多目标客户定位 11

3.3拼多多目标客户画像 13

4. 拼多多的客户感知体验营销策略 15

4.1电商客户的感知体验 15

4.2拼多多客户感知体验营销策略 15

4.3拼多多客户感知体验营销建议 17

5. 拼多多的客户情感体验营销策略 20

5.1电商客户的情感体验 20

5.2拼多多客户情感体验营销策略 20

5.3拼多多客户情感体验营销建议 22

6.拼多多的客户信任体验营销策略 23

6.1电商客户的信任体验 23

6.2拼多多客户信任体验营销策略 23

6.3拼多多客户信任体验营销建议 26

6. 结论 28

参考文献 29

附录 A 34

附录 B 38



随着各类社交APP层出不穷,一些电商开始依靠社交APP进行产品销售工作,这类经营模式被称作社交电商,属于电商模式的一种,该模式产生主要依据一大要素的作用,在这要素的作用下能够为商家以及客户搭建一个既具有电商性、又具有社交性的交易往来的平台,这一要素是和UGC (User GeneratedContent,指用户生产内容)。该平台最大的好处在于,商家可以在通过平台分享商品信息,消费者在进行消费决策前可以与商家进行互动,通过互动,消费者可以获得商家对称的、平等的、共享的消费信息,会大大提高其消费几率,平台在这一过程中可以拥有较高的转化率。尤其是,平台要素中的UGG要素对于电商平台的信用有很强的提高作用,对过去传统的营销渠道做出了扩展与延伸。传统电商已经不能满足当前社会的发展,其很多问题都在《2018中国社交电商消费升级白皮书》中被暴露出来,尤其是传统电商消费者与商家之间的交互功能得不到满足,传统电商为了吸引客源需要当大量的成本用于营销活动,企业的成本提高。这些问题对社交电商而言,并不显著。可以做一个预计,两年后,2400万将是我国社交电商商户的人数,万亿将会是我国社交电商的市场规模。随着社交电商的出现,传统电商的市场越来越小,换言之,其已经进入了衰退期,其地位已经完全被社交电商取代。在2018年,易观智库将本年度移动App月活增幅榜单进行公布,其中便有拼多多,拼多多挤进这一榜单并夺取不错的名次同它亲友拼团的经营方式息息相关。2015年,拼多多出现在各大软件商店中,三年时间,其用户数量已经达到3亿人,400亿人民币一个月的成交总额,可以说成绩非常显著。其成绩显著的背后正是其极具有特色的社交电商模式,因此论文从客户体验的视角为出发点,选择拼多多作为本文的研究对象,分别从客户体验的感知体验、情感体验以及信任体验三个方面对拼多多的社交电商发展现状和策略进行了分析。




  1. 理论意义:在理论方面,上世纪90年代以来,互联网开始成为了重要的信息来源,网络在线行为(online behavior)的研究兴起极大地丰富与发展了消费者行为理论,这些理论的拓展为电子商务营销提供了一种新的解释方向。本研究将进一步完善现有的电子商务理论,尤其是社交电子商务方面的理论,希望为分析社交电子商务消费者行为提供一个更有解释力的框架。
  2. 实践意义:在实践方面,本文旨在发现社交电商拼多多消费者行为特征和规律,探索影响消费者在社交电子商务中购物体验的关键因素,为拼多多的营销决策提供一些理论依据,助其增强用户粘性和忠诚度,进而增强企业的竞争力,使其更加有效地开展业务。同时,相关企业的实践也有助于提供更强有力的理论支撑。


  1. 文献研究法。文献分析法是本论文研究的基本方法,也是理论推导与演绎的基础。在研究中,通过对国内外与电子商务企业与客户间互动、社交电商客户体验和客户忠诚等方面相关研究成果的搜集、整理和分析,为本论文理论的提出、展开研究和深入探讨提供文献、理论的支持,为本论文的实证研究提供相关论据。
  2. 案例研究法。论文以拼多多为研究对象,通过对拼多多社交电商营销的现状进行案例分析,具体对其社交电商网络营销策略进行研究。
  3. 实证分析法。论文对拼多多的用户进行问卷发放,并采用spss24.0统计工具对这些回收的问卷数据进行处理,借助这些数据为下文的展开打下数据基础。




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