
 2023-01-14 12:01


摘 要




Analysis on the Operation Mode of Fresh E-commerce under the New Retail -- Taking Fresh Hema as an Example


Since the birth of e-commerce, China"s economy has witnessed rapid development.However, in recent years, the pressure of competition in China"s Internet industry has gradually increased, and the online dividend has gradually decreased. Online retail has been unable to meet people"s growing shopping needs, so the concept of "new retail" has emerged.Its creative business model has broken the long-standing barrier that online and offline retail can not be integrated, and provided a new direction for the development of e-commerce.

This paper takes Alibaba"s Fresh Hema as an example.It mainly introduces the relevant theoretical basis of the new retail and compares the traditional fresh supermarket with the fresh food e-commerce supplier under the new retail by inductive analysis method.This paper expounds the difference between the new retail and the traditional retail value orientation, and discusses the development status and future development trend of fresh food e-commerce under the background of new retail.At the same time, the paper analyzes the development process of Fresh Hema as the pioneer of new retail industry by focusing on the new operation mode of Fresh Hema storehouse.By means of theoretical analysis and case analysis, problems existing in the operation of Fresh Hema were pointed out, including shortage of cold chain equipment, insufficient distribution capacity, high operating cost, lax internal supervision and other problems. Intense industry competition, weak regulatory awareness and non-standardized process were the important causes of the problems.In view of these problems, this paper puts forward the implementation suggestions of building intelligent cold chain logistics, strengthening the risk awareness of employees and replanning the catering form, which will play a certain role in further integrating resources and optimize the operation mode of enterprises under the new retail background.

Keywords:The New Retail; Fresh Food E-commerce; Fresh Hema

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 2

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 新零售相关理论基础 3

2.1 新零售的内涵 3

2.2 新零售的基本特征 3

2.3 新零售的发展动因 3

2.4 新零售研究的文献综述 4

2.4.1新零售的内涵及发展动因 4

2.4.2新零售背景下对生鲜超市的影响 4

2.4.3新零售下盒马鲜生体系构建 5

2.4.4文献评述 5

第三章 新零售下生鲜电商的发展现状及未来趋势分析 6

3.1 传统生鲜超市与新零售生鲜电商的对比 6

3.1.1 传统生鲜超市 6

3.1.2 新零售生鲜电商 7

3.2 新零售生鲜电商的发展现状 7

3.3 新零售生鲜电商的未来趋势 8

3.3.1 技术创新性的革新 8

3.3.2 专业舒适化的餐饮 9

3.3.3 全渠道供应链的整合 9

第四章 盒马鲜生运营模式及存在问题 10

4.1 盒马鲜生运营模式 10

4.1.1 盒马鲜生运营体系 10

4.1.2 盒马鲜生的快速扩张 11

4.2 盒马鲜生存在的问题 12

4.2.1 冷链设备建设不完善 12

4.2.2 餐饮服务体验有待提高 12

4.2.3 配送服务运力不足 12

4.2.4 运营成本居高不下 12

4.2.5 员工质量与内部监管有待提升 14

第五章 盒马鲜生存在问题的实施建议 15

5.1 加强冷链物流供应链的监管实现智能化机制 15

5.2 重新规划餐饮形态 15

5.3 与第三方物流合作进行配送服务 16

5.4 完善自营 联营的扩张模式 16

5.5 加强员工培训与监管力度 16

结 论 18

致 谢 19

参考文献 20

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

在如今互联网快速发展的时代,人们更加注重线上与线下相结合的购物体验。但随着消费者消费重心的转移,商品质量、购物体验、餐饮服务已经成为消费者关注的重点,快捷便利成为消费者寻求的新标准。随之“新零售”这一话题逐渐被人们探讨起来。新零售其实质就是企业统筹线上线下资源,用互联网的新思维来推动实体零售转型升级,强化用户体验,改善消费环境和物流现状,提高零售业的运营效率[1]。因此研究新零售的运营模式,无论是从物流配送发展方面,还是从消费者本身追求舒适化、即时化的购物体验来看,都显得尤为重要,但同时也面临着激烈的市场竞争等一系列的新问题。本课题拟对阿里巴巴旗下盒马鲜生的运营模式进行分析,探究消费者在追求多元化、舒适化、高品质的生活需求下,盒马鲜生如何以创新性的“线上APP下单 线下门店”的结合,以互联网、物联网、大数据等技术为驱动,为消费者提供全渠道、全品类、全体验的新型零售的模式进行分析。同时盒马鲜生作为新零售行业的领头羊,对其创新性的运营模式进行探索研究,希望可以对其他新零售企业运营模式优化改进以及促进线上线下的融合起到一定借鉴作用。

1.2 研究意义


随着大数据、人工智能、云计算等创新性技术的出现,我国线上电商迎来了高速的发展,线上电商有着每年稳定增长的经济,其中根据《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示截至2020年12月,中国网络购物用户已达9.89亿,我国网上零售额11.76万亿[2]。但是自从线上电商出来以来,线上与线下购物之间,一直存在割裂状态,如何实现线上线下的相互融合相互依存的局面是各大电商巨头纷纷探讨的问题。随着“新零售”一词的出现,彻底改变了十多年来线上电商的固有模式,打破了线上电商与线下零售之间的壁垒,使得线上 线下 物流这种运营模式的成为一个整体,因此对于新零售的分析,不仅能够丰富电子商务领域的理论成果,还能促进未来电子商务的改革升级,同时对于满足人们日益增长的购物体验起到了积极作用。


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