
 2022-12-12 11:12


摘 要




Visual Design of Foreign Trade Web Page Based on B2B E-commerce Mode


With the rapid development of the Internet, the application of e-commerce is becoming more and more extensive. Under the trend of economic globalization, e-commerce enterprise website is becoming an important platform for many Chinese foreign trade enterprises to show their products and services to customers all over the world and promote their brands. The quality of Web visual interface design is related to the integrity and beauty of a web user experience, and also reflects the importance of the relationship between the interaction between the Internet and people and social development. The establishment and design of a beautiful website can make foreign trade enterprises stand out from many international sellers, obtain more conversion rate, more attention and exposure, and win a wider range of international potential buyers, so as to obtain more foreign trade orders, increase sales and improve the profits of enterprises.

Based on the theory of web design, the analysis of web visual design elements, and the role of web design in B2B foreign trade e-commerce, this paper takes foreign trade B2B e-commerce web as the practice object, through the design of a foreign trade enterprise's web, discusses the web visual design, how to place the elements in the web, how to balance the layout, and give customers visual impact, In order to study the role of Web Design on B2B foreign trade e-commerce enterprises, the impact of Web Design on B2B foreign trade e-commerce, and discuss the customer needs in web design, the practicability of foreign trade web design and the optimization of web design.

Keywords: B2B; Foreign trade e-commerce; Web design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 研究的内容和方法 1

1.3 论文框架 2

第二章 相关理论 3

2.1 网页设计的相关理论 3

2.2 B2B电商模式下外贸网页设计的相关理论 3

2.3 视觉设计原理的相关理论 4

第三章 B2B外贸电商网页设计需求分析 5

3.1 网站背景介绍 5

3.2 网站定位分析 5

3.3 外贸网页设计原则 5

3.4 视觉设计要素分析 6

3.5 功能需求分析 9

3.6 产品需求分析 13

3.7 交互需求分析 15

第四章 B2B外贸电商网页视觉设计 16

4.1 网页结构规划 16

4.2 网页视觉要素的设计 16

4.3 功能要素的设计 20

4.4 产品页的设计 22

4.5 网页交互设计 23

第五章 B2B外贸电商网页视觉设计实施 24

5.1 首页设计 24

5.2 内页设计 24

5.3 产品页设计 28

结 论 30

致 谢 31

参考文献 32

附录一、设计证明 33

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景和意义


随着互联网应用的日益发展,电子商务逐渐兴起。目前的电子商务有:O2O、B2B、C2C、B2C等模式,其中,又以B2B模式(Business to Business)最为突出,B2B电子商务是英文Business-to-Business的缩写,即商业对商业,或者说是企业间的电子商务,即企业与企业之间通过互联网进行产品、服务及信息的交换。相比在传统企业与企业之间,尤其是大宗产品,B2B电子商务可以极大的降低时间和空间成本。随着对外贸易的快速发展和电商的激烈竞争,各大外贸商家为了在国外获取更大的流量和大宗订单,开始注重网页的重要性。基于互联网的网页成为了承载传播、查询信息的主要媒介。在电商的不断发展中,商家意识到,优秀的网页界面设计和用户体验是获取关注的关键,也是宣传产品,增加销量的一种重要的方式。在B2B外贸商家做宣传时,如何运用好图标符号、图片、文字等相关因素,使视觉上达到和谐美观又能突出重点,并做到良好的人机交互,给使用者良好的浏览体验和舒适感,就是本课题需要深入研究的内容。



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