
 2022-10-08 10:10


摘 要



Application and Research of Dielectric and Electrothermal Effects of Crystal Ferroelectric Materials


In the vicinity of the phase transition point there are many different phenomena in the ferroelectric material, such as e.g. B. dielectric anomalies. This is an important basis for assessing whether this ferroelectric material is a qualified phase change material. In addition, the difference in thermodynamic properties is also standard. In the phase transition study, the most studied organic and inorganic hybrid compounds, including amine salt, crystalline phosphorus salt compound compounds, its excellent properties and various structures make it very popular in the field of research and in ferroelectric materials. The most important thing in research is the research of ferroelectric properties such as dielectric properties and electrothermal properties, which have good electrical properties in the solid state. Therefore, the research is also very valuable. . In recent years, environmental protection, high efficiency, reliability and other features have been synonymous with adiabatic depolarization refrigeration technology. It was developed based on electrothermal properties and unanimously welcomed by researchers around the world. This article examines the properties of phase transitions with a view to analyzing the crystal structure and dielectric properties. A total of 4 causes for phase transitions are summarized and 7 connections are shown to introduce them. The four main phase transitions are cationic - no the phase transition caused by the order transition, the phase transition caused by the order disorder anion transition, the phase transition caused by the order transition - disruption of the crown ether molecule and phase transition from crystalline to amorphous. In addition, the mechanism of electrothermal cooling is explained in detail while at the same time different types of ferroelectric materials as well as their advantages and applications are presented.

Keywords: Dielectric; Crystal;Phase Transition;Electrothermal Effect


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究动态 1

第二章 晶体的基本性质 3

2.1晶体的基本性质 3

2.1.1均一性 3

2.1.2对称性 3

2.1.3稳定性 3

2.2晶体的电学性质 3

2.2.1晶体的介电性质 3

2.2.2晶体的热电性质 4

2.3 相变材料研究 4

2.3.1重建型相变和位移型相变 4

2.3.2有序-无序型相变 4

第三章 晶体铁电材料的性质研究 6

3.1晶体铁电材料的相变和介电性质的研究 6

3.1.1 相变理论 6

3.1.2 阳离子有序-无序转变引起的相变 6

3.1.3 阴离子有序-无序转变引起的相变 10

3.1.4 冠醚分子有序-无序转变引起的相变 12

3.1.5从晶态到非晶态的相变 14

3.2 晶体铁电材料的电热效应研究 16

3.2.1 基本理论依据 16

3.2.2电热制冷过程 18

第四章 铁电材料的应用 19

4.1铁电材料的电热效应方面的应用 19

4.2其他新型铁电材料的优点及应用 19

4.2.1 纳米铁电复合材料 19

4.2.2 弛豫铁电体 20

4.2.3 磁性铁电材料 20

第五章 总结与展望 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24

第一章 绪论




铁电材料具有自发极化性[3],这是它最根本的特征,它的这种特性决定了自发极化的方向。在外电场的作用下,铁电材料的自发极化方向会改变方向和发生变化。利用它的这种有很强大的记忆功能,存入的数据不会消失的特性并且有介电开关性质,可以成功的研制出新型的存储器——铁电存储器。铁电储存器有两个很厉害的特性,使其在计算机还有电子领域中能够发挥重要的作用,一是它的读写速度十分的迅速,二是它有很强大的记忆功能,存入的数据不会消失。从1921年发现罗息盐(四水合酒石酸钾钠)具有铁电性质以来,科学家们又发现了很多种新的分子铁电体,例如有机铁电体、有机-无机杂化的铁电体,这是近几十年来的重大发现。由于铁电材料优良的特性,所以科学家们对铁电材料的研究投入的越来越多,使其在性质和应用的上发现也有重大的突破。2010年Tokura等人[4]报道了一个非常简单的有机酸Croconic acid(H2C5O5),由于氢键有序化导致了室温铁电性(如图1.1),其他实验测量出BaTiO3在室温时自发极化接近26 μC/m2,而有机酸Croconic acid(H2C5O5)自发极化强度也达到了26 μC/cm2,两者已经十分的相近了。


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