
 2022-09-24 10:09


摘 要



Oil Scale Inhibition Of AA/APES/AMPS Synthesis And Performance Research


I synthetic inhibitors is terminated polyether acrylate (AA), allyloxy polyethoxy sulfonate (APES), 2- acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid (AMPS) monomer ammonium persulfate as the initiator, the polymerization synthesis AA/APES/AMPS terpolymers by free radical solution. The effects of the polymerization process, the initiator dosage, reaction time and temperature on barium sulfate, strontium sulfate, calcium carbonate and iron oxide dispersion performance of the test. The experimental results showed that the polymer has excellent scale inhibition and dispersion, when the dosage of inhibitor of 18ppm, the resistance rate of 82.62% CaCO3 scale; when the dosage of 15ppm, the resistance rate of 93.84% BaSO4 scale ; terpolymers having good barrier properties strontium sulfate scale, is preferably a monomer ratio of 4:1:0.3, scale inhibition rate was 93.67%; synthesized terpolymers water treatment agent having good dispersion The performance of iron oxide, iron oxide dispersed monomer best ratio of 4:1:0.3, light transmission rate of 13.05%. Also by measuring the XRD (X- ray powder diffraction) and SEM (scanning electron microscope) had measured without inhibitor and after adding inhibitor changed crystal shape results found that after addition of inhibitors, crystal shape It has been destroyed, due to join the inhibitor of the crystal growth is not grow or deformity, which played a very good scale inhibition. In summary, the terpolymer AA / APES / AMPS is a very effective environmental inhibitors.

Keywords: Capped polyether;Scale;Phosphorus;Water treatment agent


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 前言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.3本课题研究目的与意义 2

1.4研究内容与创新点 3

1.4.1研究内容 3

1.4.2研究创新点 3

第二章油田阻垢剂AA/APES/AMPS的合成和表征 4

2.1实验 4

2.1.1主要试剂和仪器 4

2.1.2三元聚合物AA/APES/AMPS的聚合 4

2.1.3 AA/APES/AMPS合成条件的优化 5

2.2单体和聚合物的表征 5

2.2.1红外光谱(FT-IR) 5

2.2.2 核磁共振(1H-NMR) 5

2.3结果与讨论 5

第三章 三元聚合物水处理剂AA/APES/AMPS多功能阻垢 7

3.1固含量的测定 7

3.2实验 7

3.2.1实验主要试剂及仪器 7

3.2.2阻硫酸钡性能测试 7

3.2.3阻硫酸锶垢性能 11

3.2.4阻碳酸钙垢性能 12

3.3实验结果与讨论 12

3.4AA/APES/AMPS分散性能的研究 17

3.4.1 主要原料与实验仪器 17

3.4.2分散氧化铁性能 17分散氧化铁测定方法 17聚合工艺对AA/APES/AMPS分散氧化铁性能影响 18

3.5小结 18

第四章 结论 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21

第一章 前言


中国现如今是一个经济高度发展的国家,生活用水及工业用水,供水和需求大幅增长,越来越严重的水资源短缺是制约国家特别是西部大开发的主要因素之一。其中,工业用水占了水资源的很大比例,这是由于工业生产的快速发展,导致工业用水量的增加。石化,钢铁的快速发展也导致工业用水的增加。石化的发展导致石油用水量不断增加,注水开采是石油生产的一项重要措施。但是,在开采中会出现一系列的问题,例如油田中会出现垢的生成,从而导致石油的无法开采,因此油田结垢已经成为阻碍油田生产的一大主要障碍。油田垢的难以处理主要是由于CO2溶解在水中,会与水中的钙离子生成CaCO3,其次,Ba2 和Sr2 与注水中的SO42-形成硫酸钡和硫酸锶,这些垢难以去除会影响油田水的开采。目前,加入阻垢剂是最经济有效的[1-6]。目前,科学的不断进步和发展,也使得阻垢剂的研究不断发展。在水中添加阻垢剂,可以抑制水垢的生成,具有良好的经济效益和环境效益。现如今开发出的阻垢剂具有新型,高效,环保,经济,多功能等特性,是未来发展的主流趋势。



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