
 2022-02-22 07:02


摘 要

该污水处理厂的进水水质参数为:pH为6-10,COD浓度为350mg/L,BOD5 浓度为200 mg/L,SS浓度为250 mg/L,NH3-N浓度为35 mg/L,TN浓度为45mg/L,TP浓度为4mg/L。处理要求:满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)中的一级A标准:pH 6-9,COD ≤50mg/L,BOD5 ≤10mg/L,SS ≤10mg/L,NH3-N≤5(8)mg/L,TN≤15mg/L ,TP≤0.5mg/L,粪大肠菌群数≤个/L。






The Design of Wusong River Wastewater Treatment Plant (First Phase) in Suzhou

Wen Xin

Supervised by Wei jiatai

Abstract: With the establishment of the Wuzhong Economic Development Zone in Suzhou, a dramatic growth appeared in the number of the city residents. Consequently, the capacity of the current sewage treatment plant cannot meet the demand of urban development, a new sewage treatment plant is in urgent need to be build. Now, the construction of Wusongjiang sewage treatment plant is proposed, the treatment capacity of which is 100,000tons/day. The aim of this graduation project is to design the first phase for the plant with a treatment of 20,000tons/day.

The parameter of the inlet water quality in this plant is as following: pH is between 6 and 10, COD concentration is 350mg/L, BOD5 concentration is 200mg/L, SS concentration is 250mg/L, NH3-N concentration is 35mg/L, TN concentration is 35mg/L, TP concentration is 4mg/L. The treatment requirements are as following: meet the first level A standard in the Urban sewage treatment plant emission standards(GB 18918—2002): pH 6-9,COD≤50mg/L,BOD5≤10mg/L,SS≤10mg/L,NH3-N≤5(8)mg/L,TN≤15mg/L, TP≤0.5mg/L,Fecal coliform number≤/L.

This design uses primary process, applying reversed treatment as main process, with detailed explanation for process and detailed calculations for building constructions as well as the treatment of sewage and sludge. The reversed treatment is an amelioration for traditional treatment. This treatment advanced the anoxic phase, canceled the internal circulation in traditional treatment and applied step feed to provide sufficient carbon source. Some sewage treatment plant in running as well as some other studies have proved that the reversed treatment is better than traditional treatment in dephosphorization, and the treatment process is also simpler.

The design scheme is as following:

Sewage treatment process is: inflow → coarse grid → sewage pump station → fine grid → bell grit chamber → reversed reaction tank → PAC coagulation → inclined plate sedimentation → V-filter tank → disinfection tank → measuring tank → outflow.

Sludge treatment process is: excess sludge → sludge pump station → concentration tank → sludge dehydrator → Sludge cake sinotran.

Key words: Urban sewage; Reversed treatment; Nutrient removal; Sludge treatment

目 录

第一章 工程概述 1

1.1设计任务 1

1.2设计依据 1

1.3总体设计思路 1

1.3.1 编制原则及工程目标 1

1.3.2 设计思路 2

1.4水质分析 2

1.4.1 进出水水质 2

1.4.4 水质结构分析 2

第二章 工艺流程设计 4

2.1 工程方案论证 4

2.1.1预处理方案论证 4

2.1.2 二级处理方案论证 5

2.1.3污水深度处理工艺 6

2.1. 4工艺流程图 9

2.2 污水厂的平面布置 9

2.2.1 布置原则 9

2.2.2 平面布置图 9

2.3 高程布置 10

2.3.1布置原则: 10

2.3.2高程布置图 10

第三章 设计计算书 11

3.1粗格栅及进水泵房 11

3.1.1设计说明 11

3.1.2格栅设计 11

3.1.3集水泵房设计 11

3.2 细格栅及钟式沉砂池 12

3.2.1 设计说明 12

3.2.2设计描述 12

3.3倒置O工艺 13

3.3.1 设计说明 13

3.3.2基本参数 14

3.3.3 各反应池设计 14

3.4 二沉池设计计算 19

3.4.1 设计说明 19

3.4.2 二沉池设计 19

3.5二次提升泵房 20

3.6 混合池设计 20

3.6.1设计说明 20

3.6.2加药间计算 20

3.6.3混合 21

3.7 斜管沉淀池 22

3.8 V型滤池 23

3.8.1设计说明 23

3.8.2 V型滤池设计计算 24

3.9 消毒 26

3.9.1 设计说明 26

39.2 消毒系统设计计算 26

3.10污泥的处理 27

3.10.1污泥量的计算 27

3.10.2集泥井的设计 28

3.10.3污泥浓缩 29

3.10.4机械脱水 30

3.11高程计算 30

第四章 电气及仪表 31

4.1工程概况与设计范围 31

4.2 计量方式和保护方式 32

4.3仪表、设备及监控系统 32

第五章 工程估价 33

5.1 编制说明 33

5.2编制依据 33

5.3 工程估算 33

5.3.1土建直接费用估算 33

5.3.2主要设备及材料直接费用 34

5.3.3工程总费用 35

第六章 运行成本和效益 37

6.1 运行成本 37

6.1.1 电费 37

6.1.2药剂费 37

6.1.3 人工费 37

6.2效益分析 37

6.2.1经济效益 37

6.2.2环境效益 37

6.2.3社会效益 37

第七章 总结 39

致 谢 39

参考文献: 40








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