
 2022-06-14 09:06


摘 要






This paper takes the wetland ecological protection and restoration project of Yangzhou Phoenix Island National Wetland Park as a research object, summarizes its wetland ecological protection and restoration project contents through data collection and field inspection, and draws a conclusion that the wetland park controls the internal and external pollution sources through water quality monitoring, ecological filtration and salvage; restores water through dredging and aeration; restores vegetation through demolition of recreation facilities, plant introduction and planting of native plants; beautifies and protects the river banks by planting water plants, wave elimination and dyke strengthening; restores wetland habitats through the prevention and control of alien species, conservation of islands, ecological floating islands and the realization of a rational transition of plant communities on the lakesides, thus realizing the protection of animal and plant habitats and the enhancement of biodiversity in wetland parks.

Then, according to the goals of Yangzhou Phoenix Island National Wetland Park Planning and construction, the constructions of ecological protection and restoration project of Wetland Park are summarized, and the benefits are analyzed. At the same time, based on the present situation of Wetland Park, the wetland park is analyzed and evaluated according to the evaluation index system of National Wetland Park assessment standard. The comprehensive evaluation result of Wetland Park is "excellent", and the existing problems of Wetland Park are pointed out.

At last, the experiences and lessons of Wetland Park ecological protection and restoration are summarized, and further ecological protection and restoration measures are proposed that on the basis of continuing to strengthen the management and protection of the ecological environment, the wetland park needs to continuously improve the ecological landscape construction of wetlands and restore the overall parks style, broaden investment channels for construction of wetland parks, correctly coordinate the relationship between wetland protection and tourism development in the future, and build the renowned Phoenix Island National Wetland Park brand in China and abroad.

KEY WORDS: Wetland park, ecological protection, ecological restoration, biodiversity

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 我国国家湿地公园建设现状 1

1.2.1 政策支持 1

1.2.2 建设数量 2

1.2.3 存在问题 2

1.3 研究内容与技术路线 3

第二章 凤凰岛国家湿地公园概况 4

2.1 湿地资源概况 4

2.1.1 地理位置 4

2.1.2 气候地形 4

2.1.3 水系特征 5

2.1.4 湿地类型 5

2.1.5 生物多样性 6

2.1.6 历史文化 7

2.2 生态功能分区 7

2.2.1 生态保育区 7

2.2.2 恢复重建区 7

2.2.3 科普宣教区 7

2.2.4 合理利用区 8

2.2.5 管理服务区 8

第三章 湿地公园生态保护与恢复工程研究 9

3.1 生态保护和恢复目标 9

3.1.1 规划建设分期目标 9

3.1.2 生态功能分区目标 9

3.2 生态保护工程研究 10

3.2.1 水体保护 10

3.2.2 河岸保护 13

3.2.3 生物多样性及栖息地保护 14

3.2.4 防洪与监测 14

3.2.5 生态旅游与宣教 15

3.3 生态恢复工程研究 16

3.3.1 水体恢复 16

3.3.2 植被恢复 19

3.3.3 湿地生境恢复 20

第四章 工程效益分析和湿地公园综合评价 23

4.1 湿地公园生态保护与恢复工程效益分析 23

4.1.1 规划目标完成情况 23

4.1.2 工程建设完成情况 23

4.1.3 生态保护与恢复工程效益 23

4.2 湿地公园综合评价 25

4.2.1 评价指标体系 26

4.2.2 湿地生态系统评价 26

4.2.3 湿地环境质量评价 26

4.2.4 湿地景观评价 27

4.2.5 湿地基础设施评价 28

4.2.6 湿地公园管理评价 28

4.2.7 湿地公园综合评价结果 29

4.3 湿地公园存在问题 30

4.3.1 湿地风貌问题 30

4.3.2 封岛水质问题 30

4.3.3 旅游交通问题 30

4.3.4 建设资金问题 30

第五章 经验总结与未来工作 31

5.1 经验总结 31

5.1.1 重视生态系统恢复 31

5.1.2 融入生态发展理念 31

5.1.3 强化生态监测管理 31

5.2 未来工作 32

第六章 结论 33

致 谢 34

参考文献 35





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