
 2022-03-05 09:03


摘 要




Design of waterway regulation project of Tongtong bay beach of Hanjiang River

Name: Wang Yaqian Student ID: 21412105

Supervisor: Prof.Zhang Xianming


With the rapid development of western economy entering,and the improvement of people's living conditions. In recent years,The passenger and freight volume of Hanjiang River in Shaanxi section showed a trend of increase by a large margin, the navigation scale, navigation standards, corresponding navigation facilities and traffic engineering has been difficult to adapt to the needs of the growing development of shipping industry.The return of Ankang reservoir changes between vortex ~ Han King City become shipping development of the main navigation hindering reach and need of river remediation, eliminating the effects of navigation obstruction factors, considering the premise of flood irrigation to meet demand for shipping. For the segment mainly exist in the Bai Guo Beach, Yan Zi Beach, Yan Zi Shi Beach, Tong Tong Beach, Tong Tong Bay Beach, Hanwang Town Beach six main obstacle shoals, this paper from the Tong Tong Beach and Tong Tong Bay Beach begin the rectification scheme is designed, which uses combined design of dam construction and dredging channel regulation scheme.

The calculation method of the scheme on the basis for the determination of the waterway, carried out the first regulation section design, including river remediation project of hydrologic and sediment analysis and riverbed evolution characteristics and cause of shallow formation, compares and chooses lowest navigable water level determination method, regulation stage, regulation calculation method of line width, and in turn draw the corresponding design level, regulation stage and width of regulation line, on the basis of regulation line layout. Secondly remediation design of building structures, including the renovation of the building types, characteristics, effects and choice, this scheme the spur as a major renovation of buildings, on the basis of spur dike plane layout, dam structure design. Finally, dredging channel design and engineering estimation, including selection of chamfer plane design, chamfer section design, dredgers, engineering quantity calculation

Keywords: Tong Tong Bay Beach;regulation line;spur dike;chamfer;dredge


摘要 I

Abstract II

前言 1

第一章 整治河段自然条件概况 2

1.1 河流概况 2

1.1.1 河流基本地理情况 2

1.1.2整治河段目前航道状况 2

1.2工程水文泥沙分析 3

1.2.1 建库前后流量分析 3

1.2.2 输沙量年内分配情况 4

第二章 浅滩成因分析 5

2.1 浅滩基本概念 5

2.1.1 浅滩定义 5

2.1.2浅滩分类 5

2.1.3浅滩的形成 5

2.1.4浅滩演变特性 5

2.2桐桐湾滩成因分析 6

第三章 整治设计 8

3.1设计水位 8

3.1.1 基本站设计最低通航水位的确定方法 8

3.1.2 浅滩上设计水位的确定方法 8

3.1.3 桐桐湾滩设计水位的确定 8

3.2整治水位 8

3.2.1 整治水位的概念 8

3.2.2 整治水位的计算方法 8

3.2.3 计算方法比较 9

3.2.4 桐桐湾滩整治水位的确定 9

3.3整治线宽度 10

3.3.1 整治线宽度计算方法研究 10

3.3.2 桐桐湾滩整治宽度计算方法的选择 12

第四章 整治河段工程设计 16

4.1 整治线平面规划原则 16

4.2 变动回水区航道整治原则 16

4.3 桐桐湾滩整治方案设计 16

4.3.1 桐桐湾滩整治线布置 16

4.3.2整治建筑物设计的一般规定 20

4.3.4 桐桐湾滩整治建筑物的选择与布置 23

第五章 疏浚挖槽工程设计 28

5.1挖槽设计原则 28

5.2挖槽的平面设计 28

5.3挖槽断面设计 29

5.4挖泥船的选择 31

5.4.1挖泥船分类及工作机理 31

5.4.2挖泥船特性比较 32

5.4.3桐桐湾滩疏浚工程挖泥船的选择 32

第六章 整治工程量计算 34

6.1挖槽工程量计算 34

6.2丁坝工程量计算 36

结束语 37

参考文献 38

致谢词 40





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