
 2022-06-26 11:06


摘 要





With the continuous development of science and technology, blockchain has become another hot topic after cloud computing, and the application of blockchain as the underlying technology has continued to emerge. The academia has extensively discussed the application scenarios of blockchain based on its characteristics of decentralization, security, and credibility. At the present stage, the data of social e-commerce systems presents features such as multiple data types, large data volume, and centralization of data storage. Over-centralized data processing methods are prone to problems such as low efficiency, high costs, and poor security. For this reason, the paper implements blockchain technology for the design of “Xiaohongshu”, a decentralized social e-commerce systems.

This paper first elaborated the background and significance of the research, and reviewed the domestic and international research in the field of blockchain and social e-commerce. Secondly, the relevant technologies and concepts of blockchain and social e-commerce were introduced in detail. Then, from the aspects of product structure, function flow and other aspects, the status quo of "Xiaohongshu" was analyzed. Based on this, the system requirements of "Xiaohongshu" were analyzed. Finally, the system was designed from the aspects of system architecture and functional modules. The blockchain-based social e-commerce system with “Xiaohongshu” as an example mainly includes modules of login amp; registration, merchandise management, homepage management, interactive management, purchase, search, data authorization management, and blockchain maintenance. The functional modules are equipped with detailed text descriptions and intuitive graphs.

KEY WORDS: blockchain, social e-commerce, system analysis and design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 4

1.1选题背景和意义 4

1.2相关研究综述 5

1.2.1区块链 5

1.2.2社会化电子商务 5

1.2.3区块链与社会化电子商务 6

1.3研究内容及框架 6

1.3.1研究内容 7

1.3.2研究框架 7

第二章 相关知识与技术 9

2.1社会化电子商务 9

2.1.1定义 9

2.1.2分类 9

2.2区块链 9

2.2.1区块链的定义、分类和特点 9

2.2.2区块链架构 11

2.2.3共识机制 12

2.2.4密码学知识 13

2.2.5智能合约 15

2.3区块链应用 16

2.3.1比特币 16

2.3.2星际文件系统(IPFS) 18

第三章 “小红书”系统现状 22

3.1小红书简介 22

3.2系统目前业务基础架构及功能描述 24

3.2.1业务基础架构 24

3.2.2功能描述 25

3.3存在的主要问题 27

第四章 “小红书”新系统的需求分析 29

4.1系统总体需求 29

4.2系统功能需求 29

4.2.1系统管理员 29

4.2.2企业用户 29

4.2.3个人用户 30

第五章 “小红书”新系统的设计 32

5.1“小红书”系统架构设计 32

5.2“小红书”功能模块设计 33

5.2.1总体功能模块设计 33

5.2.2功能模块详细设计 34

第六章 结语 49

参考文献 50

致 谢 52


图 1-1 文章结构 8

图 2-1 区块链基础架构模型 11

图 2-2 密钥对及地址生成 15


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