
 2023-08-30 08:08


摘 要




A Brief Talk on the Incentive Mechanism of Knowledge Workers after 1990 in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Fan shuangjie

(School of Law Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223001)

Abstract: In the fast-growing new economic society, the key factor in the operation of modern companies is knowledge. The use, ownership and innovation of knowledge play a decisive role in the survival and growth of the enterprise. With the gradual emergence of the employment force in the 1990s, it has gradually become a rising star of the enterprise. While injecting fresh vitality and novel ideas into the enterprise, it also brings a series of management problems to the enterprise. The personality is distinct, there are ideas, there are opinions, and their distinctive personality needs and three views have significant differences. Therefore, how to improve the loyalty of employees after 90s through enterprise training has become another major problem faced by fast-growing enterprises.

This paper explores the main problems existing in the company"s employee incentives. On the basis of analyzing the reasons, it is proposed that the post-90 employee incentive mechanism should be from institutional incentives, salary policies, concept input, etc. Explore the angle to meet its development needs. Relevant research and analysis on employee training and employee loyalty, how to motivate knowledge workers, improve their satisfaction, and make them better use their personal talents. The content of this research is still in the exploration stage, hoping to provide certain knowledge to employees after the 90s References, in order to provide timely and specific methods for the development of incentives for Chinese companies. And let the 90s be better integrated into the enterprise, and enhance employee loyalty has a positive effect and positive impact.

Key Words: Post-90s employees; Incentive mechanism; Knowledge worker


一、90后员工的特征及职场表现 1

(一)“90后”员工特征 1

(二)“90后”职场表现 1

二、知识型员工的概念与特征 1

(一)知识型员工的概念 1

(二)“90后”知识型员工的特征 2

三、企业激励机制中存在的问题分析 2

(一)基本薪酬偏低且基本薪酬与变动薪酬比例不合理 3

(二)绩效考核体系不完善且缺乏绩效反馈 3

(三)缺乏职业生涯规划且晋升制度不完善 3

(四)培训机制不完善 3

(五)缺少企业文化建设 2

(六)对“90后”员工的需求了解不足 3

四、完善中小企业“90后”知识型员工激励机制的对策 4

(一)完善公司激励机制的思路与原则 4

(二)建立合理的薪酬体系 4

(三)健全绩效评价制度 5

(四)建立完善的培训机制 5

(五)建设企业文化 6

(六)工作方式加以创新 6

参考文献 8

致谢 9


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