
 2023-03-28 09:03


摘 要



Thinking about The Central and Local Tax Right Division
Paper Title


Since the 20th century, the extent of government intervention in the economy is increasing social, but also vigorously promote the construction of social welfare and welfare policies, which led to the central and local relations generally tend to be centralized. In addition, due to the rapid development of social welfare and promote civic participation and decentralization are slowly formed a strong surge wave. Currently, the tax authority is divided between local government and the presence of these two major wave of centralization and decentralization. Of building a market economy, it is also faced with the Central and Local Tax Power division problems. Because of the special economic and political system, the Central and Local Tax Power Division of the process is always a process of game. In our country this economic system, the division of the central and local tax authority should insist on moderation of centralization and decentralization. Overemphasis on a single aspect of centralization and decentralization are not appropriate, but the central centralization can not be like a traditional centralized model for management, central in the process of centralization of management should fully respect local autonomy, decentralization nor is it simply the central government and the right to share the process of decentralization to be effective in ensuring the right to control the central government. Establish a more comprehensive rules of the game in our existing political system down, in order to achieve win-win situation, to promote the harmonious development of China"s socialist market economy by effectively play the central and local initiative. This study mainly divided into domestic and foreign tax authority conducted a comparative analysis of the theory, and found out between China"s central and local governments the right to tax division problems and drawbacks, by drawing on foreign mature theory system to guide the Central and Local Tax Jurisdiction direction of development. In our current economic system, it was only moderately centralization and decentralization in order to solve the Tax Rights Between the central and local governments. Finally, the right to tax division of the development model of the central and local governments put forward constructive suggestions.:

Keywords: Tax Jurisdiction; The economic system; Decentralization; centralization; Central and Local Governments

目 录

摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 前 言 4

第二章 对税权划分理论的基本认识 5

2.1税权、税权划分的概念和内涵 5

2.2国外关于税权划分理论的研究现状 5

2.2.1施蒂格勒的最优分权理论 5

2.2.2奥茨的财政分权理论 6

2.2.3夏葡的“依政府职权分权”理论 6

2.3国内关于税权划分理论的研究现状 6

2.3.1坚持集权与分权适度的原则 6

2.3.2坚持事权与税权对称的原则 7

第三章 我国税权划分模式的演变 8

第四章 我国税权划分中存在的问题 9

4.1税权划分缺乏一个统一稳定的规则 9

4.2税收立法权过度集中于中央 9

4.3难以有效地调动中央与地方两个积极性 10

第五章 对我国中央与地方税权划分的建议 11

5.1完善财政转移支付制度 11

5.2建立健全税权划分的法律约束机制 11

5.3将与时俱进的特性融入进税权划分体制中 11

5.4将因地制宜的特性融入进税权划分体制中 12

5.5需要每个国民从自身做起共同建立和谐社会 12

第六章 结 论 13

致 谢 14

参考文献(References) 15

第一章 前 言




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