
 2023-03-14 09:03


摘 要





The Research of China"s Social Security "Fee to Tax" Problem


The social security system is an important way to maintain social harmony, improve the social security system related to the harmony and stability of National People"s livelihood and society, build a reasonable and effective social security system is the need of economic development in china. The financing of social security fund is the basis of decision whether the implementation of the system, financing of China"s existing fund is the collection of social security charges, this payment method is not standard, the negative effect is becoming more and more obvious, can not meet the needs of social security expenditure in china. Tax reform is a reform measures proposed at present in our country this "fee tax" irregular income pattern.

In this paper, by comparing social security fee and social security tax, through the analysis of the necessity and feasibility of social security tax, and the legislative model of social security tax in other countries are compared and analyzed, combined with the concept of tax law, proposed to levy social security tax, social security tax has become an important means of raising social security funds, so as to improve the social security financing mode, reform the existing social security system. This paper will combine theoretical analysis, historical analysis and comparative analysis to study the construction of social security tax legal system in China.

Mandatory and normative tax this initiative can improve the reliability of fund collection and management, ensure the safety of social security funds; funds to alleviate the pressure of demand to a certain extent, reduce the burden of government, improve the capacity of government macro-control, conducive to social co-ordination arrangements and scheduling; to a certain extent, also promoted me in the process of social security legislation, perfecting the social security system; the more important is to expand the coverage of social security, is committed to the people into the social security system, promote the construction of the largest range of social justice and harmonious society.

Keywords: Social security system; Social security reform; Fee to tax

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容和研究方法 1

第二章 文献综述 2

2.1 我国现行的社会保障制度存在的问题 2

2.2 费税之争 2

2.3 费改税在我国的可行性和必要性 2

2.4 国外费改税的经验以及对我国的借鉴意义 3

2.5 费改税的难点所在 4

第三章 我国社会保障费存在的问题 5

3.1 法律体系不健全、缺乏立法保护 5

3.2 筹资渠道单一狭窄、资金缺口大 6

3.3 部门职能不清、管理机制混乱 6

3.4 参保面窄、社会化程度低 6

第四章 社会保障税在我国实施的必要性和可行性 7

4.1 社会保障税在我国实施的必要性 7

4.1.1 完善我国社保制度的需要 7

4.1.2 加强社保资金监督和管理规范化的需要 7

4.1.3 促进城乡对接的需要 7

4.2 社会保障税在我国实施的可行性 7

4.2.1 经济基础 7

4.2.2 群众基础 8

4.2.3 行政基础 8

第五章 国外社会保障税制的策略和借鉴意义 9

5.1 征收社会保障税的国家的社保制度 9

5.1.1 以德国为代表的项目型社会保障税 9

5.1.2 以英国为代表的对象型社会保障税 9

5.1.3 以美国为代表的混合型社会保障税 10

5.2 征收社会保障费的国家的社保制度 10

5.2.1 爱尔兰的社保制度 10

5.2.2 俄罗斯的社保制度——以养老保险金为例 11

5.3 对我国的借鉴意义 11

5.3.1征收管理相分离,各司其职,保证社保基金专款专用 11

5.3.2与我国经济和社会发展的情况结合,量力而行 12

第六章 我国开征社会保障税的建议 12

6.1 具体税制设计 13

6.1.1纳税主体 13

6.1.2 税目 13

6.1.3 税率 13

6.2 开征社会保障税的具体措施 13

6.2.1 改进《社会保险法》 13

6.2.2 新旧筹资模式的衔接与转换 14

6.2.3 征收管理 14

6.2.4 扩大社会保障参保面 14

结 论 14

致 谢 15

参考文献(References) 16

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究目的及意义



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