
 2023-03-05 12:03


摘 要




关键词:金融企业;股票;债券;营业税 Thinking of Engaging in Stock, Bond Trading Pay Business Tax of Financial Enterprises


In recent years, with the rapid development of the stock and bond market continues to expand and the financial enterprise stock and bond investment business, stocks, securities investment business has become an important tool for financial enterprises to improve asset structure and expand the channels for the use of funds. Stock, bond investment income has also become an important source of income of financial enterprises. The issue of how to pay the business tax on the stock and bond investment is gradually concerned.. With the rapid development of China"s financial industry, the financial industry tax burden to was higher than that of other major industries, and excessive tax burden will passed on to the relevant entities of the economy, the impact of the financial industry and other industries coordinated development.

The issue of the business tax of the stock and bond investment is analyzed according to the existing business tax policy of the stock and bond investment business.. Using a combination of theoretical analysis and case analysis method, of financial enterprises engaged in stock and bond trading business need to pay business tax were related policy analysis, research and summary, and combining with the case, analysis and interpretation of the policy.

Financial enterprises in different varieties of financial commodity trading the positive and negative difference is in the same tax period mutual cancellation and to balance the profit and loss balance after the turnover to calculate and pay business tax. The IRS to the financial industry business tax policy adjustment, not only to promote the further development of product innovation, risk management, but also to enhance the efficiency of tax administration, the most important is to improve the profit level of the enterprise as a whole. 

Keywords: Financial Enterprises; Stock; Bond; Business Tax

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景及研究意义 1

1.2 研究目的及研究内容 1

1.3 研究方法及研究思路 1

1.4 主要概念的界定 2

1.4.1 金融行业 2

1.4.2 金融业营业税 2

1.4.3 股票 2

1.4.4 债券 2

第二章 营业税是金融业的主要税收之一 3

3.1 我国金融业营业税税制的发展历程 3

3.2 我国金融业营业税税收制度现状 3

3.2.1 现行金融业营业税主要税收状况 3

3.2.2 我国现行金融业营业税税制存在的问题 4

第三章 我国金融企业从事股票、债券买卖缴纳营业税研究 5

4.1 相关政策 5

4.2 政策解读及案例分析 5

4.2.1 政策解读 5

4.2.2 案例分析 7

4.3 本章小结 8

第四章 我国金融业营业税改增值税的相关内容 10

6.1 我国营业税改增值税的相关内容 10

6.2 我国金融业营业税改增值税的注意事项 10

致 谢 12

参考文献(References) 13

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景及研究意义



1.2 研究目的及研究内容



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