
 2022-02-07 04:02


摘 要


在参阅回顾大量文献并对学界相关研究进行回溯的基础上,本文借鉴SCP分析范式( Structure—Conduct—Performance)构建了研究的理论模型,考虑知识交换与整合的中介效应,从而厘清社会网络中的特殊信任关系对员工适应性绩效的影响及其作用机制。

本研究采用UCINET 6.0软件对社会网络数据进行处理,随后在SPSS 19.0软件中与调研量表数据一同纳入层级回归。通过实证分析对基于文献研究所提出的合理假设与理论模型加以验证,结论概括为:

  1. 组织内特殊信任网络的程度中心性与中介中心性对员工适应性绩效均具有显著的正向预测作用;
  2. 特殊信任对员工适应性绩效提升的两种作用机制:

a. 程度中心性直接作用于适应性绩效提升;

b. 中介中心性的作用则通过知识交换与整合行为的中介效应实现;

  1. 知识交换与整合行为同员工适应性绩效之间存在显著的非线性关系(倒U型)



An Empirical Research on Effects and Mechanism

Between Particularistic Trust and Employee’s Adaptive Performance


The Characteristics of Chinese Society is defined as “Guanxi-based”, which is the significant culture context whether during academic research or management practices. “Guanxi” is a typical local concept of social psychology, which to some extent determines the allocation of social resources, thereby affecting individual behavior. It is regarded as the most important social capital of Chinese. The concept of particularistic trust derived from the social networks within organization, which not only have an impact on employees' social activities, but also directly trigger knowledge exchange and combination, thus affect the performance of employee.

After reviewing extensive literature and backtracking retrospective studies, I put forward the theoretical hypothesis and research model based on SCP (Structure—Conduct—Performance) analytical paradigm. During the study, we analyzed the mediating effect of knowledge exchange and combination, so as to investigate the relationship between social networks of particularistic trust and adaptive performance of employee, clarified the mechanism of action and intrinsic link as well.

Through the empirical analysis, the hypotheses and theoretical models proposed have been verified. Conclusions are summarized as follows:

  1. The Degree Centrality and Betweenness Centrality of employees’ particularistic trust network showed a significant positive effect on adaptive performance;
  2. 2 mechanisms:The Degree Centrality enhance adaptive performance directly, while the Betweenness Centrality affect the adaptive performance through the mediating effect of knowledge exchange and combination;
  3. The nonlinear relationship between knowledge exchange and combination and adaptive performance has been demonstrated

The mediating effect model proposed in this paper aims to combine the local culture context of Chinese society and the management practice. Through the analysis of social network, clarify the impact mechanism between particularistic trust and adaptive performance. In order to improve the researchers’ focus on particularistic trust, as well as provide new perspective and ideas of enterprise performance management during practice.

Key Words: Particularistic Trust; Knowledge Exchange and Combination;

Adaptive Performance


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 2

1.2.1 理论意义 2

1.2.2 实践意义 2

1.3 研究内容与技术路线 3

1.4 论文结构 4

第二章 文献综述 5

2.1 被解释变量——适应性绩效的相关研究概述 5

2.2 解释变量——特殊信任的相关研究概述 7

2.2.1 信任 7

2.2.2 特殊信任 9

2.2.3 社会网络分析 10

2.3 中介变量——知识交换与整合的相关研究概述 11

第三章 理论假设及研究框架 12

3.1 理论假设提出 12

3.1.1 特殊信任与适应性绩效的关系假设 12

3.1.2 特殊信任与知识交换与整合的关系假设 12

3.1.3 知识交换与整合同适应性绩效的关系假设 13

3.1.4 知识交换与整合的中介作用假设 14

3.2 概念模型构建 15

第四章 研究方法 16

4.1 问卷设计说明 16

4.2 调研情况说明 16

4.3 变量的操作化定义及测度 17

4.3.1 适应性绩效的操作化定义及量表选定 17

4.3.2 特殊信任的操作化定义及量表选定 19

4.3.3 知识交换与整合的操作化定义及量表选定 19

4.4 社会网络资料整理 20

第五章 数据分析 25

5.1效度检验 25

5.1.1 适应性绩效量表的效度检验 25

5.1.2知识交换与整合量表的效度检验 27

5.2 信度检验 28

5.3 独立样本T检验 28

5.4单因素方差检验 29

5.5 相关分析 32

5.6 回归分析 33

5.6.1 层级回归 33

5.6.2 多重共线性检验 35

第六章 结论与展望 36

6.1 研究结果讨论 36

6.1.1 假设检验结果 36

6.1.2 实证研究讨论 36

6.2 研究结论 38

6.3 管理建议与启发 39

6.4 本文研究局限与后续研究改进 40

6.4.1 本文研究局限 40

6.4.2 后续研究改进 41

参考文献 42

致 谢 45

  1. 绪论

1.1 研究背景

知识经济时代下,企业经营环境的复杂性日益加剧,组织希冀通过知识的累积与发展以提升自身竞争力水平(Grant,1996),知识被视为组织最重视的资源(Kogut amp; Zander,1992)。组织内在结构因其所处环境的动态作用而处于持续的变革与改进过程;相应地,员工的工作情境也处于变革频发与高度的不确定性之中:全球化经营的动态环境要求员工具有多元文化的包容力,能适应于工作中的多变情境:企业并购与重组导致了组织内部结构的剧变,员工应尽快适应于所处职能角色的转变,并做好应对工作压力的准备,同时在工作中表现出良好的人际适应行为;生产力发展与技术进步改变了传统的工作流程,要求员工灵活掌握新的技术方法以提高工作效率……但我国企业在绩效管理中普遍存在的现象是以结果观的视角对员工绩效水平进行评估,鲜见由行为观出发,对员工的绩效表现以适应性维度加以考量,更无从提及采取有效措施培育具有高适应力的员工,对组织绩效管理进行深化改革。


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