
 2023-02-15 09:02


摘 要


根据以上所述背景,本文首先阐述了国内外研究现状和本文所运用的理论:全面质量管理理论、标准化管理(ISO 9000体系),接着对我国现今研发管理现状进行分析归纳出其中的主要问题,然后在根据国外先进管理体系和法规的优点进行借鉴,最后根据上述调查分析与国外经验启示运用基于全面质量管理的方法对产品研发生命周期进行管理,进而改进和完善我国制药企业药品研发模式及其质量管理体系。


Research on Quality Management System of Drug Development


Under the background of the rapid development of China"s economic conditions, the public"s living standards have generally improved. Therefore, people"s requirements for daily life are getting higher and higher, and the Ramp;D organization of enterprises is facing unprecedented challenges. As the core driving force for the development of the pharmaceutical industry, drug research and development and its quality management have attracted extensive attention. The follow-up process of drugs and the use of drugs are closely related to the quality management of drug research and development, and are deeply affected by the quality management of drug research and development. Therefore, it is indispensable to construct a quality management system for drug research and development that is in line with the research and development work of pharmaceutical companies in China. At present, domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers have insufficient knowledge about the quality of drug research and development[1]. Although some enterprises have taken corresponding measures to carry out quality management on drug research and development, the relevant management personnel have not yet received professional training, and their own qualities are relatively It is relatively low, and there are widespread problems in the process of drug development, such as imperfect processes, unreasonable organizational structure, unclear distribution of rights and responsibilities, and imperfect performance management. How to establish a matching product Ramp;D organization model and do a good job of total quality control management are the main problems faced by enterprises.

According to the above background, this paper firstly analyzes the status quo of quality management of drug research and development in China, and then studies the advanced quality management system in foreign countries, and puts forward the main topics of this paper. The demand for the increasingly developed drug market in China cannot be solved by existing drugs. The Ramp;D[2] quality management level is satisfied, and the improvement and improvement of the product Ramp;D model and its quality management system have become an inevitable problem for the company to go to the next level.

Keywords:Pharmaceutical Enterprise, Ramp;D Quality Management, TQM—Total Quality Management, Risk Mangement, Product Life Cycle


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 3

1.3文献综述 3

第二章 相关理论概念 5

2.1全面质量管理理论 5

2.2标准化管理(ISO 9000体系) 5

2.3研发的概念 6

2.4药品研发质量管理体系的必要性 6

2.4.1 是提升上市药品质量的重要手段 6

2.4.2 提高研发效能,促进工艺优化 6

2.4.3 降低药品研发和生产的成本 6

2.5本章小结 7

第三章 我国药品研发质量管理现状 8

3.1我国药品研发现状与特点分析 8

3.1.1我国近三年药品研发数据完整性的现状 8

3.1.2我国药品研发与生产阶段质量管理相比所具有的特点 9

3.2我国药品研发管理体系问题及分析 9

3.2.1研发质量管理制度不完善 9

3.2.2科研人员质量管理意识淡薄 9

3.2.3实验记录及文件管理混乱 9

3.2.4研发成果向生产技术转移的不重视 10

3.3本章小结 10

第四章 国外药品研发质量管理体系的经验启示 11

4.1国外药品研发质量管理现状 11

4.2启示 11

4.2.1遵循药品注册法规 11

4.2.2研究标准操作规范 11

4.2.3进行药理毒理学研究时,符合GLP标准 12

4.2.4临床研究阶段,符合GCP要求 12

4.2.5满足GMP的要求不断增加 12

4.3本章小结 12

第五章 药品研发全面质量管理体系优化 13

5.1全组织的质量管理 13

5.2全面质量风险管理 14

5.2.1应用科学方法管理 14

`5.2.2数据完整性管理 14

5.2.3建立规范机制管理 14

5.2.4环境、物料管理 14

5.3全过程的质量管理 14

5.3.1研发立项阶段管理 14

5.3.2研发过程质量管理 15

5.3.3研发收尾阶段管理 15

5.4全员的质量管理 15

5.6本章小结 18

第六章 总结 19

6.1总结 19

6.2展望 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22

  1. 绪论




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