
 2022-05-05 08:05


摘 要







With the development of the economy, the requirements of human resource management from the employee side are constantly improving. The younger generation of employees who were born during 1980s and 1990s have now mostly joined the workforce and occupied more than half of the employment market in China. There are significant intergenerational differences between this group and the older generation of employees. The younger generation have a high expectation on keeping work and life balance, but they face a more serious situation of blurring working and living boundaries. This thesis focuses on the leisure activities of the younger generation of employees during non-working hours and their recovery experience and engagement level, and aims to explore the relationships among the three. The findings of this study contribute to the research of leisure activities, recovery experience and work engagement.

This thesis mainly includes the following contents. First, comprehensive review of research on leisure activities, recovery experience, and engagement was conducted. Second, empirical study was carried out through the questionnaire survey to test research hypotheses. Thirdly, based on the research results, managerial implications are put forward from the perspectives of the younger generation of employees and individuals. Finally, the limitations of this study and prospects for further research are pointed out.

The main findings of this thesis are as follows. First, the participation of leisure activities, recovery experience and engagement are different in different demographic variables; Second, the frequency of participation in leisure activities was positively associated with recovery experience; Third, the recovery experience was positively associated with the level of work engagement. Fourth, the recovery experience mediates between the participation frequency of leisure activities and work engagement.

The study extends the research of work engagement to the younger generation employees The findings have valuable managerial implications.

KEYWORDS: younger generation employees; leisure activities; recovery experience; work engagemen

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.2.1理论意义 1

1.2.2现实意义 2

1.3相关概念界定 2

1.3.1新生代员工 2

1.3.2下班后活动 2

1.3.3恢复体验 3

1.3.4工作投入 3

1.4研究内容、方法和技术路线 4

1.4.1研究内容 4

1.4.2研究方法 4

1.4.3技术路线 5

第二章 研究综述 7

2.1新生代员工研究综述 7

2.2休闲活动类型研究综述 7

2.3恢复体验研究综述 8

2.3.1恢复体验当前研究 8

2.3.2恢复体验测量 9

2.4工作投入研究综述 9

2.4.1工作投入影响因素 9

2.4.2工作投入测量 9

第三章 研究模型与假设提出 10

3.1理论基础 10

3.1.1资源保存理论 10

3.1.2角色资源跨界增益理论 10

3.2研究假设 10

3.2.1休闲活动参与与工作投入的关系 10

3.2.2休闲活动参与与恢复体验的关系 11

3.2.3恢复体验与工作投入水平之间的关系 11

3.2.4恢复体验的中介效应 12

3.3研究模型 12

第四章 研究设计 13

4.1问卷设计 13

4.2问卷调查与回收 14

4.3调查样本的人口统计学分布 14

4.4信度测试 14

第五章 数据分析 16

5.1描述性统计分析 16

5.2各变量的人口统计学差异分析 16

5.3相关分析 20

5.4模型假设验证 20

5.4.1休闲活动参与及其各维度对工作投入的回归分析 21

5.4.2休闲活动参与及其各维度对恢复体验的回归分析 22

5.4.3恢复体验的中介效应检验 23

第六章 研究结论及讨论 25

6.1研究结论 25

6.1.1人口统计学差异 25

6.1.2休闲活动参与与工作投入的关系 25

6.1.3休闲活动参与与恢复体验的关系 26

6.1.4恢复体验在休闲活动参与与工作投入之间的中介作用 26

6.2对新生代员工的建议 26

6.2.1提升休闲质量,合理平衡个人职业与生活发展 26

6.2.2采用多种休闲方式多参与休闲活动提升恢复体验 26

6.2.3提高时间管理能力 27

6.3对企业的建议 27

6.3.1重视员工工作生活冲突,提供足够的休闲时间 27

6.3.2完善休闲设施,实施休闲激励 27

6.4研究局限 27

6.5研究展望 28

致 谢 29

参考文献 30

附录 32

第一章 绪论




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