
 2022-04-29 09:04


摘 要



关键词:二次元 二次元文化 二次元形象 形象开发


At a time when the secondary culture has been transformed from the mass culture to the mass culture, the use of the secondary economy to boost local economy has become one of the optional methods for local governments to build local economy.In order to highlight the advantages of the city, local governments have begun to devote themselves to the construction of city brands and create their own local representative secondary image.The purpose of this paper is to find a mechanism model for local government to develop the representation of local binary image under the current binary environment.By analyzing and describing the development process of the secondary culture in China and the development cases of the secondary image at home and abroad, especially the development cases of the local representative secondary image, this paper finds out various factors affecting the development of the secondary image, and then analyzes and combines them into the development mechanism of the local representative secondary image.

Through the research, it is found that the development of local representative secondary image can be divided into three stages: image demand analysis stage, image design stage and image operation stage.Image demand is divided into audience demand and government demand, which both affect the image design and image operation behind. Image design also affects image operation, and image design and image operation jointly meet the image demand.All this needs to be controlled by a professional team.

Finally, the mechanism of the development of quadratic image is obtained.

KEY WORDS: cartoon,cartoon culture,cartoon character , character development

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义与创新 1

1.3 研究内容 2

1.4 研究方法与论文框架 2

第二章 二次元文献综述 3

2.1二次元及二次元文化的文献综述 3

2.2二次元文化人群特征 3

2.3我国二次元文化的发展过程 4

2.4国内外二次元形象开发研究现状 6

2.5 二次元形象开发的历史研究 7

2.5.1二次元形象IP历史研究 7

2.5.2吉祥物形象创造历史研究 8

第三章 二次元形象开发案例研究 9

3.1二次元形象开发的案例选择 9

3.2日本熊本县二次元形象Kumamon开发的过程及分析 9

3.2.1Kumamon简介 9

3.2.2Kumamon开发过程 10

3.2.3Kumamon流行原因分析 12

3.3我国地方政府二次元开发与应用的实例 13

3.3.1《那年那兔那些事》 13

3.3.2四川“熊川川” 13

3.3.3国内《那兔》与熊川川案例分析 14

第四章 地方政府的地方代表型二次元形象开发机理研究 15

4.1阶段性开发机理 15

4.2贯穿全程的专业团队 15

4.3地方代表型二次元形象需求分析 15

4.3.1受众需求 15

4.3.2政府需求 16

4.4地方代表型二次元形象开发设计阶段研究 17

4.4.1形象选择 17

4.4.2形象设计原则 17

4.4.3形象人格拟人化 18

4.4.4现有地方代表型二次元形象分类 19

4.5地方代表型二次元形象开发运营阶段研究 19

4.5.1本地认知阶段 20

4.5.2形象推广阶段 20

4.6地方政府二次元形象开发机理 21

第五章 结论及展望 23

主要参考文献 24

致 谢 25

第一章 绪 论

    1. 研究背景

二次元形象开发是近年来受到IP改编创作热潮、国外二次元形象开发成功案例影响而在我国兴起的一个创意创作模式。创作的维度在于二次元,二次元原本是用来描述维度的数学语言。在二次元中,任意一点都可以由两条坐标轴来定位。“随着 20 世纪 60 年代日本以动画(Animation)、漫画 (Comic)、游戏 (Game) 为主导的 ACG 消费文化兴起,人们开始使用二次元来指涉 ACG 涵盖的一系列存在于二维空间的产物,依据道格拉斯·凯尔纳对媒介文化的界定,二次元文化是一种大众文化,也是一种媒介文化,不仅包括虚拟二维世界产生的商品,还包括其流通和消费的过程。”[1]


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