
 2022-04-27 08:04


摘 要





With the rapid development of the science and technology, digitalization is no longer a strange word for us. Since the wide spread of the Internet, more and more enterprises begin to carry out digitalization transformation. Some of them grasp the key points, keep up with the trend of the times and successfully carry out digitalization transformation from traditional enterprises, while others are buried in the wave of digitalization. It can be said that the digital transformation of enterprises is a historical necessity. If we do not follow the development of the information technology era for a reasonable transformation, then we will not be able to move forward steadily in this changing environment. Of course, whether an enterprise can carry out a reasonable digital transformation depends on the environmental impact, its own factors, strategic direction and other factors. How to carry out the digital transformation also requires the enterprise to consider from the internal, external and other aspects in a multi-level, wide-ranging and all-round way. Only by doing a more systematic investigation and summary, can we give more reasonable digital transformation opinions to the enterprise. Strategic planning should be made for the development of enterprises.

This paper will first study some digital transformation strategies in the existing literature, recognize what is digital and what is digital transformation of enterprises, and summarize the ways and practices of digital transformation of enterprises in the literature, have their own understanding and summary, then analyze the process of digital transformation ofMeiDi and Nike, consult the data, and use SWOT analysis method. Through case analysis, we find the same transformation law and different characteristics among different industries. We further summarize and summarize the digital transformation mode, put forward our own ideas and conclusions, find its shortcomings, develop its advantages, integrate the universal law research into our own research ideas, and get the answers and solutions to the questions raised. Way. Finally, the new trends of future development such as big data, cloud computing and Internet of Things are considered and analyzed, and the question of how to carry out digital transformation in the future is answered with my own understanding. The direction of future development of digital transformation is explored, and a reasonable prospect of future transformation is given.

KEY WORDS: overview of digital transformation, case analysis of digital transformation, methods and practices of digital transformation, prospects for future digital transformation

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2选题意义 1

第二章 文献综述 3

第三章 数字化转型概述 5

3.1数字化 5

3.2数字化转型 5

3.3数字化转型的战略意义 6

第四章 案例分析 8

4.1美的集团案例分析 8

4.1.1美的背景 8

4.1.2转型战略分析 9

4.1.3美的转型 9

4.1.4美的成果 10

4.1.5美的存在的缺陷及解决措施 10

4.2耐克案例分析 11

4.2.1耐克背景 11

4.2.2耐克战略分析 12

4.2.3耐克转型 12

4.2.4耐克存在的问题及解决措施 14

4.3美的和耐克案例的转型对比分析 15

4.4数字化转型的方法 16

第五章 机遇与挑战并存,未来数字化转型展望 20

5.1企业数字化转型的未来挑战 20

5.2未来数字化转型展望 21

5.3结语 22

参考文献 24

致 谢 25

第一章 绪论


2015年政府工作报告中指出:制定“e ”行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据等与现代制造业相结合,促进电子商务,工业互联网和互联网行业等的健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场[11]。随着当今经济与科技的发展,“互联网 ”已经不再是曾经那个陌生而遥远的名词,大数据时代背景下,越来越多的人才和企业开始步入数字化转型当中,数字化转型对于一个企业来说并不是一道企业能考虑的选择题,而是一个必须去转型的生存题。在数字化经济的风口浪尖,新的浪潮已经形成,作为我国最重要的经济主体即制造业等,更是要与时俱进,尽快投身其中,抓住现在发展的市场和机遇,不断打造企业数字化能力,提升企业的综合能力与竞争实力。德国“工业4.0”的概念、日本政府表示无需追随美国的理念、围绕《中国制造2025》的方针政策,实现国家三步走战略,数字化转型大势所趋,国内外一致对于数字化转型战略达成了共识[7]。构建全新的数字经济体系、搭建数字化平台、实现企业的伟大蓝图势在必行。这不仅仅是政府的号召,更是时代的进程,从互联网的成熟到现在,已经有无数的数字化转型成功的企业先例,他们曾经都是处在危机边缘的企业,数字化转型赋予了它们新的动能,让企业重新焕发了新的潜能,可以说是新时代企业转型发展的一个必然。全球知名的咨询公司麦肯锡几年前在《中国数字化改造》的报告中指出了,中国正在走向数字化改造的新时代[10]。伴随着互联网更加深层次的融入到各个行业,它所带来的机遇是前所未有的,更先进的技术、多方面的资源、更高效的生产效率、更完善的管理系统等等,都会让一个企业竞争力大大提升,可同时存在的挑战和问题也会油然而生,对高端人才的需求,对传统制造业等企业的挑战,使各行各业都在摩擦中探索前进的道路,在交流合作中实现数字化转型和升华。





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