
 2023-02-08 08:02


摘 要





Economic Consequences of Rectification of Major Defects in Internal Control -Based on the Perspective of Debt Financing Costs


Nowadays, financial scandals arising from improper internal controls occur frequently. Having good internal controls can ensure the credibility of corporate financial reports, eliminate information asymmetry between companies and investors, and reduce debt financing costs. At present, although the importance of internal control over domestic listed companies has gradually attracted attention, the timeliness of rectification defects is still slightly lacking.

After referring to many documents and materials, this paper boldly assumes the economic consequences of rectification of major internal control deficiencies and proposes that rectification of major internal control deficiencies can reduce the cost of debt financing and after the rectification of internal control deficiencies, the reduction in the cost of debt financing of major deficiencies is smaller than those who have other internal control deficiencies. In order to verify the authenticity of the hypothesis, this paper adopts an empirical research method, literature research method and normative research method, using the TongHuaShun and GuoTai"An database to select 294 research samples that meet the requirements, through Excel, SPSS and other software to analyze these data.

Ultimately, this article has obtained the following two results: that rectification of major internal control deficiencies can reduce the cost of debt financing and after the rectification of internal control deficiencies, the reduction in the cost of debt financing of major deficiencies is smaller than those who have other internal control deficiencies. This article hopes to raise the attention of companies that have internal controls deficiencies that have not yet been rectified.

Keywords:; Major defects in internal control; Defect rectification; Debt financing costs

目 录

摘 要


第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 美国内部控制制度

1.1.2 中国内部控制制度

1.1.3 研究意义

1.2 研究目的与内容

1.3 研究方法与思路

1.3.1 研究方法

1.3.2 研究思路

1.4 主要概念界定

1.4.1 内部控制重大缺陷

1.4.2 债务融资成本

第二章 文献综述

2.1 内部控制缺陷整改的经济后果


2.3 内部控制缺陷整改与债务融资成本的关系

2.4 文献评述

第三章 理论研究


3.1.1 委托代理理论

3.1.2 信息不对称理论

3.1.3 信号传递理论

3.2 内部控制缺陷整改对债务融资成本的研究假设

3.2.1 内部控制重大缺陷整改对于债务融资成本的影响

3.2.2 不同内部控制缺陷整改对于债务融资成本所产生的影响程度

第四章 实证研究

4.1 变量选取

4.1.1 被解释变量

4.1.2 解释变量

4.1.3 控制变量

4.2 样本选取与数据来源

4.3 描述性统计

4.4 相关性分析

4.5 回归性分析

结 论

致 谢


第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 美国内部控制制度




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