
 2023-01-29 01:01


摘 要




Research on capital cost and financing decision -- take ofo minibus as an example


With the rapid development of economy, people"s ways of food, clothing, housing and transportation are changing with each passing day.In terms of transportation, bicycle sharing is undoubtedly the most familiar and familiar thing.Sharing bicycle is one of the industries of sharing economic development. The reason why it can develop so rapidly is to solve the traffic problems of the majority of people and the defects of the means of transportation for short trips. Secondly, sharing bicycle conforms to the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection advocated by people and the country.Taking ofo minivan as an example, this leading enterprise that creates a new mode of "sharing bicycles" as the analysis object is typical.Ofo minibus pioneered the "bicycle sharing" mode, which is the world"s first pile-free sharing platform.

For enterprises, the cost of capital is closely related to the capital structure, and the cost of capital plays a key role in financing decisions.Especially today"s economic boom, multinational companies and domestic companies increasingly fierce competition, enterprises to take what kind of financing, how to reduce costs, to maximize the benefits of each enterprise is a required subject.And no matter which financing decision is taken, it is inseparable from the close support of capital cost.How to deal with the cost of capital is the primary task of enterprises, but also concerned about the fate of enterprise development.This paper will take ofo minibus as an example to provide some Suggestions for enterprises on capital cost and financing decisions.

Keywords: ofo minibus;Cost of capital;Financing decisions


基于资金成本对筹资决策的研究——以ofo小黄车为例 I

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 研究目的和内容 1

1.3 研究方法和思路 1

1.4 本文主要框架 2

第二章 基本理论 3

2.1资本结构: 3

2.2筹资决策: 3

2.3资金成本: 3

2.4资金成本对于筹资决策的重要作用 3

2.4.1 资金成本是筹资的决策选择过程中的重要依据 3

2.4.2 资金成本对企业的筹资风险有降低的作用 4

2.4.3企业筹资过程的所筹到的资本数额由资金成本决定 4

2.5文献综述 4

2.5.1 从概念公式诠释资金成本与筹资决策的关系 4

2.5.2 从内外在因素诠释资金成本与筹资决策的关系 5

第三章 资金成本与筹资决策的现状 6

3.1资金成本的现状 6

3.1.1企业对资金成本的概念不够理解 6

3.1.2 筹资不平衡,资金闲置 6

3.1.3现有的资金结构单一 7

3.1.4 中小型企业融资成本代价过大 7

3.2筹资决策的现状 7

3.2.1银行对企业的融资门槛高 7

3.2.2银行对小微企业的重视程度不够 7

3.2.3企业信贷产品设计与企业的现状、发展不吻合、不够完善 7

3.2.4银行的风险防范措施不完善 8

3.2.5银行与担保机构缺乏有效合作 8

3.2.6社会信用服务体系利用不合理 8

3.2.7企业的筹资环境存有局限 8

3.3成因分析 8

3.3.1银行与企业之间信息不对称 8

3.3.2银行融资以大中型企业为主,小企业融资产品缺乏针对性 9

3.3.3银行的风险控制措施与企业融资需求相背离 9

3.3.4企业自身资产的匮乏、不合体的信用担保机制 9

第四章 资金成本与筹资决策的解决方案 10

4.1对策建议 10

4.1.1对企业的筹资政策进行完善 10

4.1.2企业建立起完善良好的筹资渠道 10

4.1.3企业需明确要发展的目标 10

4.1.4建立企业融资共享服务平台,完善大数据资源共享服务 10

4.1.5商业银行以大中型为核心,提高对中小企业的重视程度、实现均衡发展 10

4.1.6银行需提高风险控制能力来吻合企业实际情况 11

4.1.7完善融资担保体系,降低融资成本,提升企业综合贡献度 11

4.1.8银行要加强与有实力、政府背景担保机构合作 11

第五章 实际案例分析——ofo小黄车 12

5.1创始团队 12

5.2公司背景 13

5.3融资历史 14

5.4 案例分析 15

5.4.1 ofo现状 15

5.4.2 成因分析 15 企业没有找到适合自己的盈利方式 15 资本结构不合理,负债过多 15 企业对资本成本的概念不够重视,导致“一票否决权” 15 盲目扩大经营,没有规划好企业的发展目标 16

5.5解决方案建议 16

5.5.1 企业应重视资金成本对于筹资决策的作用 16

5.5.2 企业应规划好自身的发展目标 16

5.5.3 应对企业的筹资政策进行完善 17

第六章 结论 18

致 谢 19

参考文献(References) 20

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义




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