
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

1 引言 1

2 资料和方法 2

2.1 研究区概况 2

2.2 资料来源 2

2.3 研究方法 2

2.3.1 气象数据的处理 2

2.3.2 草莓对气象条件的要求 3

2.3.3 区划方法 3

2.4 技术路线图 5

3 结果分析与讨论 5

3.1 农业气候资源分析 5

3.1.1 光照资源及其特点 5

3.1.2 热量资源及特点 6

3.1.3 降水资源及其特点 8

3.2 草莓生育期的气象因子分析 9

3.2.1 开始生长期 9

3.2.2 开花和结果期 10

3.2.3 旺盛生长期 11

3.2.4 花芽分化期 12

3.2.5 休眠期 13

3.3 主要农业气象灾害分析 14

3.3.1 低温霜冻 14

3.3.2 高温热害 14

3.3.3 天气因素滋生的草莓病害 15

3.4 太仓市草莓种植气候区划 16

4 结论 17

参考文献 18

致谢 20



, China

Abstract: The strawberry is an important crops in Taicang with great economic value. Reasonable planting layout of the strawberry can use natural resources efficiently, improve the yield and quality of the strawberry and get better economic benefits. So the purpose of this paper was to analyze the impact of meteorological conditions on the planting layout of the strawberry. In this paper, The data of 7 meteorological stations of Taicang City and its surrounding cities(average temperature, precipitation and sunshine data, etc.) had been used during 1971~2010. The paper used ArcGIS software to perform spatial interpolation and then analyzed the climate resources of Taicang City. Combining the meteorological conditions required for the strawberry, this paper had selected the following regional indicators: sunshine duration, precipitation, daily temperature difference and daily average temperature during the main growth period and major agrometeorological disasters. Finally, this paper completed the climate zone for strawberry cultivation in Taicang. The results were as follows: (1) The agro-climatic resources of Taicang could generally meet the growing demand of the strawberry and the southern region has more abundant agricultural climate resources than the northern region. (2) The main agricultural meteorological disasters that affected the growth of the strawberry in Taicang were low temperature and frost, high temperature heat damage, and powdery mildew and gray mold caused by adverse weather conditions. Only the occurrence rate of low temperature and frost in the northern region was higher than that in the southern region, and the occurrence rate of other disasters in the southern region was higher than that in the northern region. (3) The final zoning results showed that strawberries was not suitable to grow in the Fuqiao Town and the northern region of Huangjing Town. Shaxi Town, the south region of Fuqiao Town, the central and eastern region of Liuhe Town were generally suitable areas for strawberry planting. The Economic Development Zone, Chengxiang Town, Shuangfeng Town, and the west region of Liuhe Town were the most suitable areas for strawberry planting.

Key words: Open-air Strawberry; Growth period; Agricultural climate resources; Agricultural meteorological disasters; Agricultural climate division




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