
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 2

1 引言 3

2 实验材料与方法 3

2.1 实验材料 3

2.2 实验设计 3

2.3 测定方法 3

2.3.1 形态指标的测量 3

2.3.2 光合指标的测量 3

2.3.3 可溶性糖的测量 4

2.3.4 有机酸和Vc的测量 4

2.3.5 蔗糖代谢酶活性的测量 4

2.4 统计分析方法 5

3 数据处理与结果分析 5

3.1不同昼夜温差处理下草莓的形态指标 5

3.2不同昼夜温差处理下草莓的光合指标 7

3.2.1 对光合作用的影响 8

3.2.2 对呼吸作用的影响 10

3.2.3 对叶绿素含量的影响 11

3.2.4 对荧光参数的影响 12

3.3不同昼夜温差处理下草莓的可溶性糖、有机酸及Vc含量 13

3.4不同昼夜温差处理下草莓的蔗糖代谢酶活性 16

4讨论 17

5结论 18

参考文献 19

致谢 21




Abstract:In this experiment, “Fengxiang” strawberry seedlings were used as experimental materials. Five day-night temperature difference levels were set at a daily average temperature of 25°C, namely 6°C (28°C/22°C, day/night), 8°C (29°C/21°C, day/night), 10°C (30°C/20°C, day/night), 12°C (31°C/19°C, day/night), 14°C (32°C/18°C, day/night). To fruit ripening determine the strawberry plant morphology, photosynthetic properties, dry matter distribution, fruit yield, sugar content and sucrose metabolism-related enzyme activity and other indicators under each treatment, and analyze the effect of temperature difference between day and night on strawberry sugar accumulation. The results showed:①When the temperature difference was 12°C, the color of strawberry was the most red, and the leaf area decreased with the increase of temperature difference. The small temperature difference was more conducive to the growth of stolons.②The strawberry leaves with 12°C difference had the highest chlorophyll content, the highest photosynthetic rate and the best utilization of CO2; the temperature difference had a significant effect on qP and ETR, and the greater the temperature difference, the higher the value of the two.③The fructose content in strawberry fruitgt; sucrosegt; glucose, fructose and glucose increase first and then decrease with the increase of temperature difference. The total sugar content is the highest when the temperature difference is 12°C; the change of the ratio of sugar to acid, organic acid and vitamin C with temperature difference is consistent with fructose.④The activity of sucrose metabolic enzymes in mature strawberry fruits increased with increasing temperature difference. When the temperature difference was 12°C, the activity of SS decomposition was the highest, and sucrose was mainly decomposed. In summary, under the condition of a daily average temperature of 25°C, strawberry leaves with a day-night temperature difference of 12°C (31°C/19°C) had the highest net photosynthetic capacity, the weakest respiratory burden, and the most accumulated dry matter. Soluble sugars, especially fructose the highest content makes the sweetness of the fruit the best quality.

Key words:diurnal temperature difference; strawberry; sugar accumulation; soluble sugar; sucrose metabolizing enzyme


果实的生长发育与糖分积累密切相关,其糖分含量及组成更是直接关系到果实的甜度和品质。草莓(Fragaria×ananassa Duch.)是蔷薇科草莓属的多年生常绿草本植物,其果实香味浓厚,多汁柔软,且富含维生素C、有机酸、糖、矿物质及果胶等多种营养成分[10],具有较高的食用价值和商用价值,因此草莓果实的品质指标受到了研究者和栽培者的广泛关注。

近年来,利用昼夜温差调节作物生产和品质的研究也引起了国内外学者的广泛关注(Mark et al,1993;Catley et al,2002;Phommy et al,2013),在设施生产中,温度是影响作物生长发育的重要因子之一,也是农业环境调控的主要对象。一般来说,白天植物以光合作用为主,温度高有利于光合产物的形成;夜间植物以呼吸作用为主,温度降低可以减少物质的消耗,温差较大更有利于干物质积累,但温差过大会导致植株易发生生理性病害,影响植株正常生长发育和生理过程,从而减少产量和降低作物质量,因此很有必要研究昼夜温差对草莓的生长发育及糖分积累的影响机制。



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