
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

1 引言 1

2 材料与方法 1

2.1研究区域概况 1

2.2采样方法与采样位置 2

2.3样品采集与分析 3

2.4数据分析 3

3 结果与分析 4

3.1 CO2浓度的时间变化 4

3.2 CH4浓度的时间变化 4

3.3 CO2浓度的空间变化 5

3.4 CH4浓度的空间变化 6

3.5 CO2和CH4浓度的影响因素 7

3.5.1 水温的影响 7

3.5.2水压的影响 8

3.5.3溶解氧的影响 8

3.5.4 其它因素的影响 8

4 讨论 9

4.1对不同水体CO2、CH4浓度特征的讨论 9

4.2对CO2、CH4浓度影响因素的讨论 9

5 结论 10

6 问题与展望 11

参考文献 11




Abstract: To explore the characteristics of CO2 and CH4 concentration in the small watershed of farmland, the temporal and spatial variation of CO2 and CH4 concentrations in the autumn and winter of Jurong reservoir and its influencing factors were studied. The results show that the average CO2 concentrations of reservoirs, rivers and ponds were 45.412 µmol·L-1,63.565 µmol ·L-1, 73.956 µmol·L-1. The CO2 concentrations of these three types of water bodies were higher in autumn and lower in winter, and the difference in CO2 concentration of these three types of water bodies was large. While the average CH4 concentrations of reservoirs, rivers and ponds, respectively, 202.0nmol·L-1, 301.4nmol·L-1, 314.8nmol·L-1. The CH4 concentration of the three different types of water bodies all have decreased at first and then increased in the observation period. The concentration of CH4 decreased in autumn and winter, and began to increase in the spring. The spatial seasonal variation of CO2 concentration was more obvious, the CO2 concentration in different watershed was higher in autumn than that in the winter, and the CO2 concentration in different watershed was quite different. For CH4, the spatial variation of CH4 concentration had significant seasonal characteristics, and the CH4 concentration in different watershed was lower different. There is a significant positive correlation between temperature and concentration of CO2 and CH4 concentrations; and there is a negative correlation between pH and rivers CO2 , But there is no significant relationship between PH and CH4 concentration; There is no significant relationship between dissolved oxygen and CO2 concentration, There is a significant negative correlation between the rivers and CH4 concentration ; there is a significant positive correlation between conductivity and the CO2 concentration in rivers , But there is no significant relationship between conductivity and CH4 concentration; We did not found redox potential has a significant impact on CO2 concentration or CH4 concentration.

Key words: Jurong reservoir; carbon dioxide concentration; methane concentration; influencing factor

1 引言

工业革命以来,人类活动对环境的影响日益加重,尤其是蒸汽机发明。内燃机出现以后,煤炭、石油在全世界范围内得到广泛应用,人类行为极大地改变了碳循环,使得大气中的CO2和CH4温室气体浓度不断增加,导致全球气候不断变暖,全球气候变化等一系列问题越来越来受到人们的普遍关注,对CO2和CH4等温室气体的研究也越来越多。近几十年来,人们研究发现大气中二氧化碳和甲烷是最主要的温室气体,其中二氧化碳和甲烷对温室效应的贡献分别占了 70% 和23% ,二者对全球气候变暖的增温贡献也分别达到了 60%、15%,它们浓度的增加是全球气候变暖的最主要原因[1]。许多学者认为大气中的温室气体浓度增加主要是由燃烧大量的化石燃料造成的。此外,有学者认为,由于人类活动(农业生产、土地利用)的增加,使得大量的碳元素从陆地生态系统进入到水生生态系统[2]。湖泊水体的富营养化促进了水体中微生物的新陈代谢和繁殖,导致河流、水库等水体中的CO2、CH4浓度升高,最终进一步促进了CO2和CH4的释放,使得大气中温室气体浓度进一步上升,气候变暖加剧。据此认识,国内外学者开展了对陆地淡水生态系统CO2和CH4排放的影响,并取得了一系列成果。

研究表明,淡水水体如湖泊、水库、沟渠、湿地会极大地影响CO2和CH4 温室气体排放到大气中的通量。据估计,湖泊每年CO2排放量有513 Tg,而CH4的排放量达到8–48 Tg,达到了全球CH4排放量的6-16%[3-5]。Saarnio等估计仅是大一点的湖泊CH4的排放量就占了所有湿地CH4排放量的24%[6]。碳循环是农业生态系统中最重要的物质循环之一,当前关于温室气体排放方面问题的研究主要聚集在湖泊、水库、湿地等生态系统的CO2、CH4等温室气体浓度和排放通量研究,且主要集中在美国 、巴西 、加拿大北部和法属圭亚那等一些地区的水库[7]。国内对CO2和CH4排放的研究较多,但是大部分是以某一条河流或者水库,湿地为研究对象,涉及农田小流域的较少,尤其是把农田小流域水体CO2和CH4浓度研究结合起来的更少。本文的研究意在探究农田小流域水体CO2和CH4浓度特征及其影响因素。



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