
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

1 引言 1

2 资料与研究方法 2

2.1 研究对象 2

2.2 研究数据 3

2.3 精度评估方法 4

3 结果分析 5

3.1 数据处理 5

3.2 降水事件指标评价 5

3.3 降雨的量级和频次分析 7

3.4 季节降水分析 8

3.5 年尺度降水分析 8

3.5.1 时间特征分析 8

3.5.2 空间特征分析 9

3.6 误差空间分布 10

4 结论 11

4.1 研究结论 11

4.2 问题和讨论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 15




Abstract:Aiming to assess the feasibility of TRMM 3B42V7, this paper uses a variety of evaluation indexes to analyze the accuracy of TRMM 3B42V7 precipitation in time and space based on the daily precipitation ground data from 1998 to 2016 in the Hanjiang River Basin.

The results show that the estimated value of TRMM 3B42V7 is lower than that of ground observation as relative deviation is less than 0. Compared with the daily observed precipitation, the accuracy of the monthly precipitation estimation is higher. The correlation coefficient of the grid-based comparison is 0.92, the relative deviation is -0.16% and the RMSE is 28.40mm. At the same time, the performance of 3B42V7 area-based estimation is better than that of grid-based estimation either in daily or monthly scale. The CC of monthly area-based estimation is 0.98, while the relative deviation is -7.11% and the RMSE is 13.59mm. The frequency of occurrence of 3B42V7 is consistent with that of the ground observation. The accuracy of 3B42V7 estimation is higher in the precipitation range of 5-20mm/d and the accuracy is the highest when precipitation is in the range of 5-10mm / d with the deviation is only -1.15%. Still there are estimated deviations and overvaluation or underestimation in different precipitation intensity intervals, which indicating that the performance of 3B42V7 estimation on extreme precipitation events is relatively inferior. Through comparison between the relative deviations of the four quarters, the TRMM 3B42V7 estimation in winter is low with Bias value reaching to 19.27%, while the accuracy in summer and autumn is slightly better, and the Bias respectively were 6.12% and 6.56 %. The accuracy in spring observations is the highest with its Bias is only 0.22%. The annual precipitation in the Hanjiang River Basin was underestimated from 1998 to 2014. Since 2014 the occurrence of underestimation has reduced and the accuracy was improved after 2014. In the space, the estimated value of TRMM 3B42V7 on the precipitation of the basin is also lower than the ground-based value. Meanwhile, the estimation error of the area with extreme precipitation is larger. But the spatial distribution of the 3B42V7 estimation is consistent with the ground-based observation on the whole, with the exception of region south of Laohekou, Zaoyang and Nanzhang.

Key words:TRMM 3B42V7;Accuracy estimation;Temporal and spatial distribution



热带降水测量计划(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission,TRMM)卫星由美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和日本国家空间发展局(NSDA)联合研制,TRMM卫星发射于1997年11月,作为首颗以测量热带、亚热带降水为主要任务的卫星,该产品为研究热带地区降水过程提供了足够精度的降水量估测数据,这也促进了全球水循环的研究发展。TRMM卫星产品的降水观测范围自南纬50°起至北纬50°止,覆盖了全球整个热带地区及温带的大部分地区,产品的降水数据在空间上的格点分辨率为0.25°×0.25°。TRMM数据产品被分为三个等级,3B42产品处于第三等级,通过多卫星遥感联合反演,该卫星产品可以为气象预报提供全球范围的格点降水资料。3B42数据采用GPCP或CAMS月数据进行月尺度降水数据校准,使得降水监测数据的时空分辨率得到进一步提高,目前已被广泛应用于科研中。但另一方面,由于现行的TRMM卫星的反演降水受到地形地貌、地理位置、降雪、数据来源、反演算法等因素的影响,其数据仍存在一定的偏差,随估测的时间和空间尺度变化,卫星数据的精度也具备变异性。由于估测范围主要为热带和亚热带地区,在中高纬地区,TRMM卫星的精度明显偏低,因此该产品在实际应用中仍存在较大的不确定性。迄今为止,中外学者都对TRMM数据产品3B42的精度进行过分析,并在水文领域开展了研究和模拟。通过对不同卫星降水产品在不同的时空分辨率下进行评估研究,发现不同的卫星降水产品均存在各自的缺陷,且同种卫星降水产品的估测性能随研究地区变化也有较大差别。与TRMM 3B42V6相比,1998年投入使用的3B42V7在反演算法上进行了改进,但其对汉江流域的观测数据缺少具体精度评价指标的数据支撑,因此有必要对TRMM 3B42V7卫星产品在汉江流域的降水估测性能进行可行性评估。

目前国外对于TRMM卫星降水产品的检验和评估已经开展了多方面的研究工作。在美国、中国、澳大利亚、欧洲等多个区域,已经对TRMM卫星数据在不同时空间尺度进行了一系列可行性评估,分析结果大多表明TRMM 3B42V7的月降水数据与地面观测降水量较为一致,已经具备较高的精度,数据较为可靠。同时国外也有一系列对日尺度和日尺度以下数据的研究,Dinku等[1]在美国、Alemseged等[2]在东非和H.Feidas[31]等在希腊地区分别开展了类似的工作,在美国的选取的两个代表性山区,TRMM产品的观测数据较地面观测值偏低,降水值的相关系数较低;东非的研究对三种卫星产品的降水日变化进行了评估,发现在不同地表形态的反演结果偏差均较大,由此得出结论认为在东非地区的卫星降水反演性能还有待提升;TRMM 3B42产品对希腊地区的估测性能较好,与其他卫星产品相比精度较高。



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