
 2022-02-14 08:02


摘 要

Abstract: with the progress of science and technology, has been significantly improved people's lives, life and entertainment also changed, from the original limited to around the range of entertainment and communication network from the gradual transformation to the geographical restrictions, entertainment is also colorful, which led to a number of network data and user growth index a substantial increase, but limited to the limited spectrum resources, how to improve the spectrum utilization efficiency has become the focus of the current research work of the greatest degree, large-scale MIMO technology based on this path, the space but also as a kind of available resources, greatly enriched the means of communication, is the core of the fifth generation mobile communication technology, in addition, the new the way of life of 5G brings new technical requirements, such as faster flow rate, larger traffic density, lower Network delay, better power efficiency, and more network access points. This wireless technology 5G in large scale MIMO to the core technology, and a novel multiple access technology, full spectrum access technology and ultra dense network, the network level is a new network architecture in order to adapt to the development of new technology, large-scale MIMO technology as a multi antenna array technology will substantially increase the cost of radio frequency link receiver, technology and the solution to this deal is the basic method of antenna selection, antenna selection technology is to choose some good channel antenna as a receiving antenna to restore signal data is good, so it can greatly reduce the cost and reduce the RF link system hardware pressure, while reducing the transmitter and the receiver complexity in the transmitter general antenna selection technology in combination with adaptive modulation technology, according to the channel state feedback, select the appropriate Antenna to send, in order to achieve the adaptive regulator, the adaptive regulation of a selection of suitable antenna outside, there are many other ways to adjust, such as coding rate, regulation mode, channel adaptive modulation core is find a balance point (the receiver for the different equilibrium points will change), the transmission rate, transmission quality, transmission delay balance. Adaptive power control technology and the related technologies, general users have an experience of their own standards, as long as not less than the standard setting does not have much impression, based on the control of transmission power and wider coverage, adaptive power control technology in power generation, its basic idea is to reduce near the base station receiver is received within the scope of the sending and matching end, at the same time improve the transmission power range away from the base station receive end in the same horse to the allotment of the sending end, the signal-to-noise ratio can reach a certain standard. All users within the scope of coverage, is the user experience, it is the simple by adjusting the power down signal near the low intensity of high signal intensity compensation distance of the user, maintain more in maintaining the transmission power unchanged The user's sense of experience enables it to achieve the "comfort" standard to extend the coverage of the base station.


Key words: Massive MIMO, antenna selection technique, adaptive modulation and coding


  1. 绪论




  1. 大规模MIMO技术

一,Massive MIMO 简介..................................................9

二 Massive MIMO主要技术介绍............................................9

三 实例简介:使用MF,ZF预编码,以单小区Massive MIMO技术为研究对象....11

  1. 差错控制自适应技术

一 AMC简介............................................................17



  1. 天线选择技术

一 天线选择技术简介....................................................22

二 系统模型及分析......................................................22

第五章 总结与展望.................................................28

第一章 绪论


5G是继4G之后的一个新的通信时代. 按照现有的发展趋势,5G将具有下面几个显著的优势:1 频谱的有效使用率和功率效益将达到极高程度, 2 相对于4G网络,5G在数据交换和资源复用等方面取得了长足的进展,3 信号覆盖范围广、信息到达时延低、用户体验舒适感将明显提升. 5G将与其他前沿科技以及物联网技术构成一全新的通信移动网络, 足以适应之后用户的的各种需求,5G作为新一代通信系统,人们的期望值也会很高,如信息获取灵敏性,网络感知触觉、自适应调整等优化能力, 5G这些特性用以应对之后不久将出现的繁杂的信息以及它们的迅速交换.


移动互联网的迅速发展推动了5G的研究以及开展进程. 随着网络信息的普遍覆盖,未来将出现一大批基于5G而存在的各种新兴业务, 5G也将会把移动互联网平台打造成与人们生活息息相关且不可分离的基础交流平台, 现有的通信业务也将随着5G的发展而进行各种升级以及大的改变,如经营模式的变换,客户群体的转移等等, 随着人们对网络依赖性的提高,势必造成人们对网络服务的更加严苛的要求以及追求更加舒适的体验感,因此5G的性能可以在下面三个方向进行提高.1 接入最新前沿无线传输技术提升频谱等资源利用率; 2 优化体系结构和提升更加快速准确的自适应能力。3研究其他闲置频谱通信的可能性,寄希望扩展现有的频谱资源.如今正处于4G向5G转变的特殊时期, 5G 技术发展趋势即方向也逐渐明朗:


2) 优化体系结构,以4G结构为框架,在此基础上融入多点,多用户,多天线,多小区协作等新元素。突破了技术难点势必会对系统的性能有着很大的提高。

3) 由于网络的大范围普及,人们生活的网络娱乐地点大都集中在室内,晚上这个时间段更加显得突出,因此5G系统的优先设计目标必定是室内无线覆盖以及通信性能。室内信息将占据流动信息很大的比重。

4)5G相对于4G将会尝试把其他的一些频段也纳入通信范围。如高频段频谱, 高频段无线电波的强穿透能力使得它无法想其他适宜的频谱资源一样可以进行无线通信,新的解决方案如与有线相结合的技术将会逐渐完善

5) 信息爆炸式的增长使得自适应调整技术将会是重中之重,5G也不例外,如何根据宏观信号动态及时准确的分配各种资源将是研究的重点所在。

为了更好地应对即将到来的数据风暴,5G将在下面两个方向做出突破: 1无线传输技术升级,如大规模MIMO技术,新型多址接入技术等等。 2网络框架升级,高灵活性,强适应性将会是衡量指标。




大规模MIMO 的技术特点与优势, 1与传统MIMO技术相比,大规模MIMO技术对空间资源的利用更加充分,空间划分也更加细微化。这意味着只要空间层次不同,同时频通信将不会造成干扰,频谱利用率得到很大提升,通信选择性也越加丰富. 2大规模MIMO技术之一“波束成型”是通过加强某一方向性的发射功率使其在这一方向发送的信息得到增强从而区分开来,能很好的应对信息干扰. 3, 大规模MIMO技术中,降低基站发射功率将提高频谱效益,因此大规模MIMO技术能有效的提高系统的能效. 4 基站的天线数量足够多时,简单的线性预编码技术如ZF,MF预编码即可以达到很好的去干扰效果(极限:当基站发射天线数量趋于无穷时,用户间的信息干扰将全部消失即为0值)。

2 基于滤波器组的多载波技术

不同于OFDM技术,FBMC中的滤波器的响应可以根据实际情况的需求而进行相应的改动,载波间的严格正交性将不在是必须的,这样的优势很明显,首先调制解调的灵活性得到极大的解放,其次,循环前缀将不再需要,由此而扩大了资源空间,与此同时的相邻子载波之间存在的干扰也不复存在。 而且零散的频谱资源也将会被利用起来,频谱利用率也将得到提升; 并且子载波之间的同步性要求大大降低,单独子载波上可独立进行各项操作,灵活性非常高,尤其适合难以实现用户间同步的上行链路。

全双工通信技术目前来说还是处于一个理论阶段,是指同时频进行双向通信的技术. 然而由于收发信号的自干扰, 目前还不能实现,现在所采用的方法是TDD与FDD混合制模式, 理论上时频二者只能存一,故只有理论中的无线资源的一半。

3 超密集异构网络


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