
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3推荐算法面临的问题和挑战 1

1.4本文的组织结构 2

第2章 个性化推荐系统概述及相关技术 3

2.1个性化推荐系统 3

2.1.1 个性化推荐系统概述 3

2.1.2推荐系统的框架和工作流程 3

2.2协同过滤算法 4

2.2.1基于用户的协同过滤算法 5

2.2.2基于项目的协同过滤算法 5

2.3本章小结 6

第3章 协同过滤算法及其相关问题 7

3.1传统的协同过滤算法 7

3.2数据稀疏性问题 8

3.2.1稀疏性问题的主要成因 8

3.2.2稀疏性问题的解决方法 8

3.3本章小结 9

第4章 基于用户对项目特性偏爱的协同过滤改进算法 10

4.1项目特性相似性 10

4.2用户项目特性偏爱 11

4.3基于用户对项目特性偏爱的协同过滤改进算法实现 12

4.4本章小结 14

第五章 实验设计与结果分析 15

5.1环境配置 15

5.2实验结果与分析 15

5.2.1实验数据集 15

5.2.2评测标准 17

5.2.3基于用户对项目特性偏爱的协同过滤改进算法的实验与分析 17

5.3本章小结 20

第6章 总结与展望 21

6.1总结 21

6.2展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 24




Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology and e-commerce, a large amount of information is flooding our lives, making it difficult for us to quickly find the information we need in a wide range of information. The personalized recommendation system is an intelligent information platform based on massive data mining and is widely used in e-commerce and social networking. In the e-commerce platform, personalized technology can help e-commerce websites provide their customers with fully personalized decision support and information services, recommend products for customers, automate the process of personal selection of goods, and meet the individual needs of customers. Applying data mining related technologies to related systems and performing personalized analysis can discover users' access interests, habits, and domain knowledge that is useful for site design, thereby implementing applications such as personalized services, market decisions, and adaptive adjustment of site structure. Collaborative filtering algorithm is the most classic algorithm, similarity measure is used to calculate the similarity of goods and users, and based on this as the user recommended products. This paper proposes to apply data mining related technologies to personalized recommendations and validate their effectiveness through experiments.

Key words:Personalized recommendation algorithm;Collaborative filtering;Rating prediction problem;Interest rate comparison

  1. 绪论




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